从命令行(终端)启动 Pycharm

我想尝试 PyCharm 为圣人的数学发展。通常我运行 eclipse 来进行鼠尾草开发,但是现在我想用 PyCharm 尝试一下。

要使用 Sage 环境变量启动 eclipse,在命令行中我通常执行以下操作:

sage -sh
cd /path/to/eclipse

第一行加载 Sage 环境变量,其余部分启动 eclipse。我怎么能为 pyCharm 做同样的事情呢?(注意,我使用 Mac 和 Ubuntu 进行鼠标开发; 上面的命令对于两个操作系统都是不可知的)

  1. 链接1 接近我所寻找的解决方案,但是我在任何地方都找不到 pyCharm.sh。
  2. 链接2 : Jetbrain 也没有给出明确的指令。
161547 次浏览

You can launch Pycharm from Mac terminal using the open command. Just type open /path/to/App

Applications$ ls -lrt PyCharm\ CE.app/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x@ 71 amit  admin  2414 Sep 24 11:08 lib
drwxr-xr-x@  4 amit  admin   136 Sep 24 11:08 help
drwxr-xr-x@ 12 amit  admin   408 Sep 24 11:08 plugins
drwxr-xr-x@ 29 amit  admin   986 Sep 24 11:08 license
drwxr-xr-x@  4 amit  admin   136 Sep 24 11:08 skeletons
-rw-r--r--@  1 amit  admin    10 Sep 24 11:08 build.txt
drwxr-xr-x@  6 amit  admin   204 Sep 24 11:12 Contents
drwxr-xr-x@ 14 amit  admin   476 Sep 24 11:12 bin
drwxr-xr-x@ 31 amit  admin  1054 Sep 25 21:43 helpers
/Applications$ open PyCharm\ CE.app/

You're right that the JetBrains help page isn't very clear. On OS X, you'll want to use the launcher at:


Or, for community edition:

/Applications/PyCharm\ CE.app/Contents/MacOS/pycharm

Unfortunately, adding a symlink to this binary wouldn't work for me (the launcher would crash). Setting an alias worked, though. Add this in your .bash_profile (or whatever shell you use):

alias pycharm="/Applications/PyCharm CE.app/Contents/MacOS/pycharm"

Then, you can run commands with simply pycharm.

With this you can do things like open a project:

pycharm ~/repos/my-project

Or open a specific line of a file in a project:

pycharm ~/repos/my-project --line 42 ~/repos/my-project/script.py

Or view the diff of two files (they don't need to be part of a project):

pycharm ~/some_file.txt ~/Downloads/some_other_file.txt

Note that I needed to pass absolute paths to those files or PyCharm couldn't find them..

Edit (April 2020): It seems that launcher script creation is now managed in Toolbox App settings. See the Toolbox App announcement for more details.


  1. Open Application Pycharm
  2. Find tools in menu bar
  3. Click Create Command-line Launcher
  4. Checking the launcher executable file which has been created in /usr/local/bin/charm
  5. Open project or file just type $ charm YOUR_FOLDER_OR_FILE

Maybe this is what you need.

I normally alias using built-in application launcher (open) from OS X:

alias pc='open -a /Applications/PyCharm\ CE.app'

Then I can type:

pc myfile1.txt myfiles*.py

Though you can't (easily) pass args to PyCharm, if you want a quick way to open files (without needing to use full pathnames to the file), this does the trick.

The included utility that installs to /usr/local/bin/charm did not work for me on OS X, so I hacked together this utility instead. It actually works!

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ -z "$1" ]
echo ""
echo "Usage: charm <filename>"

function myreadlink() {
cd $(dirname $1)         # or  cd ${1%/*}
echo $PWD/$(basename $1) # or  echo $PWD/${1##*/}

FULL_FILE=`myreadlink $FILENAME`;

/Applications/PyCharm\ CE.app/Contents/MacOS/pycharm $FULL_FILE

Use Tools -> Create Command-line Launcher which will install a python script where you can just launch the current working folder using charm .

Very important!

Anytime you upgrade your pyCharm you have to re-create that command line tool since its just a python script that points to a pyCharm configuration which might be outdated and will cause it to fail when you attempt to run charm .

Inside the IDE, you can click in:

Tools/Create Command-line Launcher...

Create Command-line Launcher

Update: My answer no longer works as of PyCharm 2018.X

On MacOS, I have this alias in my bashrc:

alias pycharm="open -a /Applications/PyCharm*.app"

I can use it like this: pycharm <project dir or file>

The advantage of launching PyCharm this way is that you can open the current dir in PyCharm using pycharm . (unlike /Applications/PyCharm*.app/Contents/MacOS/pycharm . which opens the PyCharm application dir instead)

Update: I switched to JetBrains Toolbox to install PyCharm. Finding PyCharm has gotten a bit more complex, but so far I was lucky with this monster:

alias pycharm="open -a \"\$(ls -r  /Applications/apps/PyCharm*/*/*/PyCharm*.app | head -n 1 | sed 's/:$//')\""

To open PyCharm from the terminal in Ubuntu 16.04, cd into

{installation home}/bin

which in my case was


and then type:


After installing on kubuntu, I found that my pycharm script in ~/bin/pycharm was just a desktop entry:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=PyCharm Community Edition
Exec=env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/pycharm-community_pycharm-community.desktop /snap/bin/pycharm-community %f
Comment=Python IDE for Professional Developers

Obviously, I could not use this to open anything from the command line:

$ pycharm setup.py
/home/eldond/bin/pycharm_old: line 1: [Desktop: command not found
/home/eldond/bin/pycharm_old: line 4: Community: command not found

But there's a hint in the desktop entry file. Looking in /snap/pycharm-community/, I found /snap/pycharm-community/current/bin/pycharm.sh. I removed ~/bin/pycharm (actually renamed it to have a backup) and then did

ln -s /snap/pycharm-community/current/bin/pycharm.sh pycharm

where again, I found the start of the path by inspecting the desktop entry script I had to start with.

Now I can open files with pycharm from the command line. I don't know what I messed up during install this time; the last two times I've done fresh installs, it's had no trouble.

Useful information for some:

On Linux, installing PyCharm as a snap package automatically creates the command-line launcher named pycharm-professional, pycharm-community, or pycharm-educational. The Tools | Create Command-line Launcher command is therefore not available.

On Mac OSX

Update 2019/05 Now this can be done in the JetBrains Toolbox app. You can set it once with the Toolbox, for all of your JetBrain IDEs.

As of 2019.1 EAP, the Create Commmand Line Launcher option is not available in the Tools menu anymore. My solution is to use the following alias in my bash/zsh profile:

Make sure that you run chmod -x ...../pycharm to make the binary executable.

# in your ~/.profile or other rc file to the effect.

alias pycharm="open -a '$(ls -r /Users/geyang/Library/Application\ Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/**/PyCharm*.app/Contents/MacOS/pycharm)'"

Navigate to the directory on the terminal cd [your directory]

Navigate to the directory on the terminal

use charm . to open the project in PyCharm

Simplest and quickest way to open a project in PyCharm

This worked for me on my 2017 imac macOS Mojave (Version 10.14.3).

  1. Open your ~/.bash_profile: nano ~/.bash_profile

  2. Append the alias: alias pycharm="open /Applications/PyCharm\ CE.app"

  3. Update terminal: source ~/.bash_profile

  4. Assert that it works: pycharm

open /Applications/PyCharm\ CE.app/ opens up the primary Pycharm Dialogue box to choose the project..

worked for me with macOS 10.13.6 & Pycharm 2018.1


It is now possible to create command line launcher automatically from JetBrains Toolbox. This is how you do it:

  1. Open up the toolbox window;
  2. Go to the gear icon in the upper right (the settings window for toolbox itself);
  3. Turn on Generate shell scripts;
  4. Fill the Shell script location textbox with the location where you want the launchers to reside. You have to do this manually it will not fill automatically at this time!

On Mac the location could be /usr/local/bin. For the novices, you can use any path inside the PATH variable or add a new path to the PATH variable in your bash profile. Use echo $PATH to see which paths are there.

Note! It did not work right away for me, I had to fiddle around a little before the scripts were generated. You can go to the gearbox of the IDEA (PyCharm for example) and see/change the launcher name. So for PyCharm, the default name is pycharm but you can change this to whatever you prefer.

Original answer

If you do not use the toolbox you can still use my original answer.

~~For some reason, the Create Command Line Launcher is not available anymore in 2019.1.~~ Because it is now part of JetBrains Toolbox

This is how you can create the script yourself:

If you already used the charm command before use type -a charm to find the script. Change the pycharm version in the file paths. Note that the numbering in the first variable RUN_PATH is different. You will have to look this up in the dir yourself.

RUN_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/ch-0/191.6183.50/PyCharm.app'
CONFIG_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2019.1'
SYSTEM_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Caches/PyCharm2019.1'

If you did not use the charm command before, you will have to create it.

Create the charm file somewhere like this: /usr/local/bin/charm

Then add this code (change version number to your version as explained above):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import socket
import struct
import sys
import os
import time

# see com.intellij.idea.SocketLock for the server side of this interface

RUN_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/PyCharm-P/ch-0/191.6183.50/PyCharm.app'
CONFIG_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Preferences/PyCharm2019.1'
SYSTEM_PATH = u'/Users/boatfolder/Library/Caches/PyCharm2019.1'

def print_usage(cmd):
print(('Usage:\n' +
'  {0} -h | -? | --help\n' +
'  {0} [project_dir]\n' +
'  {0} [-l|--line line] [project_dir|--temp-project] file[:line]\n' +
'  {0} diff <left> <right>\n' +
'  {0} merge <local> <remote> [base] <merged>').format(cmd))

def process_args(argv):
args = []

skip_next = False
for i, arg in enumerate(argv[1:]):
if arg == '-h' or arg == '-?' or arg == '--help':
elif i == 0 and (arg == 'diff' or arg == 'merge' or arg == '--temp-project'):
elif arg == '-l' or arg == '--line':
skip_next = True
elif skip_next:
skip_next = False
path = arg
if ':' in arg:
file_path, line_number = arg.rsplit(':', 1)
if line_number.isdigit():
path = file_path

return args

def try_activate_instance(args):
port_path = os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, 'port')
token_path = os.path.join(SYSTEM_PATH, 'token')
if not (os.path.exists(port_path) and os.path.exists(token_path)):
return False

with open(port_path) as pf:
port = int(pf.read())
with open(token_path) as tf:
token = tf.read()
except (ValueError):
return False

s = socket.socket()
s.connect(('', port))
except (socket.error, IOError):
return False

found = False
while True:
path_len = struct.unpack('>h', s.recv(2))[0]
path = s.recv(path_len).decode('utf-8')
if os.path.abspath(path) == os.path.abspath(CONFIG_PATH):
found = True
except (socket.error, IOError):
return False

if found:
cmd = 'activate ' + token + '\0' + os.getcwd() + '\0' + '\0'.join(args)
if sys.version_info.major >= 3: cmd = cmd.encode('utf-8')
encoded = struct.pack('>h', len(cmd)) + cmd
time.sleep(0.5)  # don't close the socket immediately
return True

return False

def start_new_instance(args):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
if len(args) > 0:
args.insert(0, '--args')
os.execvp('/usr/bin/open', ['-a', RUN_PATH] + args)
bin_file = os.path.split(RUN_PATH)[1]
os.execv(RUN_PATH, [bin_file] + args)

ide_args = process_args(sys.argv)
if not try_activate_instance(ide_args):


Easy solution without need for any paths:

open -b com.jetbrains.pycharm <file>

You can set it as alias for every-day easier usage (put to your ~/.bash_rc etc.):

alias pycharm='open -b com.jetbrains.pycharm'


# open current dir:
pycharm .
# open a file:
pycharm file.py

pycharm download & Open in UBUNTU



  1. Navigate to bin directory in the extracted folder.

  2. run : ./pycharm.sh

Steps for someone using zsh on Mac:

  1. emacs ~/.zshrc&
  2. Put this in zshrc---> alias pycharm="/Applications/PyCharm\CE.app/Contents/MacOS/pycharm"
  3. source ~/.zshrc
  4. Launch by typing pycharm in command window

Via Terminal (Linux)

Create a function with bash.
charm() { /usr/local/bin/charm; }
export charm

Via Pycharm

  1. Go into Pycharm
  2. Tap Double Shift (Shift + Shift)
  3. Search For Create Command-line Launcher
  4. Type in Command-line Launcher: /usr/local/bin/charm
  5. Click Ok

you can include following command in your script

root@aachutha-Inspiron-N5010:~# pycharm-community &

[1] 5698