Seems question is not about strings equality, but of sets equality. You can compare them this way only by splitting strings and converting them to sets:
2) If you are also concerned with the number of spaces (white space characters) in both strings, then simply use the following snippet:
sorted(string1) == sorted(string2)
3) If you are considering words but not their ordering and checking if both the strings have equal frequencies of words, regardless of their order/occurrence, then can use:
4) Extending the above, if you are not concerned with the frequency count, but just need to make sure that both the strings contain the same set of words, then you can use the following:
string1 = "sample"
string2 = "sample"
if string1 == string2 :
print("Strings are equal with text : ", string1," & " ,string2)
else :
print ("Strings are not equal")
Equality in character sets:
string1 = 'abc def ghi'
string2 = 'def ghi abc'
set1 = set(string1.split(' '))
set2 = set(string2.split(' '))
print set1 == set2
if string1 == string2 :
print("Strings are equal with text : ", string1," & " ,string2)
else :
print ("Strings are not equal")
This is a pretty basic example, but after the logical comparisons (==) or string1.lower() == string2.lower(), maybe can be useful to try some of the basic metrics of distances between two strings.
You can use simple loops to check two strings are equal. .But ideally you can use something like return s1==s2
s1 = 'hello'
s2 = 'hello'
a = []
for ele in s1:
for i in range(len(s2)):
if a[i]==s2[i]:
if len(a)>0:
return False
return True