如何使用 LINQ 异步等待任务列表?


public async Task<IList<Foo>> GetFoosAndDoSomethingAsync()
var foos = await GetFoosAsync();

var tasks = foos.Select(async foo => await DoSomethingAsync(foo)).ToList();


通过使用 .ToList(),所有的任务都应该开始。现在我想等待它们的完成并返回结果。

这在上面的 ...块中起作用:

var list = new List<Foo>();
foreach (var task in tasks)
list.Add(await task);
return list;


return tasks.Select(async task => await task).ToList();

... 但是这个不能编译。我错过了什么? 或者只是不可能用这种方式来表达?

71030 次浏览

Use Task.WaitAll or Task.WhenAll whichever is approriate.

Task.WhenAll should do the trick here.

LINQ doesn't work perfectly with async code, but you can do this:

var tasks = foos.Select(DoSomethingAsync).ToList();
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

If your tasks all return the same type of value, then you can even do this:

var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

which is quite nice. WhenAll returns an array, so I believe your method can return the results directly:

return await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

To expand on Stephen's answer, I've created the following extension method to keep the fluent style of LINQ. You can then do

await someTasks.WhenAll()

namespace System.Linq
public static class IEnumerableExtensions
public static Task<T[]> WhenAll<T>(this IEnumerable<Task<T>> source)
return Task.WhenAll(source);

One issue with Task.WhenAll is that it would create a parallelism. In most of the cases it might be even better, but sometimes you want to avoid it. For example, reading data in batches from DB and sending data to some remote web service. You don't want to load all the batches to the memory but hit the DB once the previous batch has been processed. So, you have to break the asynchronicity. Here is an example:

var events = Enumerable.Range(0, totalCount/ batchSize)
.Select(x => x*batchSize)
.Select(x => dbRepository.GetEventsBatch(x, batchSize).GetAwaiter().GetResult())
.SelectMany(x => x);
foreach (var carEvent in events)

Note .GetAwaiter().GetResult() converting it to synchronous. DB would be hit lazily only once batchSize of events have been processed.

Expanding on Stephen's answer it can also be expressed without .ToList() as follows:

var tasks = foos.Select(aFoo => aFoo.DoSomething());
await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(true);

Background: In some scenarios calling .ToList() can result in side effects executed at that time because the enumerable is then enumerated. If the enumerable is a call to a set of APIs or a set of queries, this may not be the desired behavior at that time. Without .ToList() the enumerable will be enumerated when the task is await.

More specifically: With (Fluent) NHibernate you'd typically avoid using .ToList() on queries as otherwise you may end up reading the entire result set. This may be way more data that you want.