Partial(Add, 7); // returns a function f2 as output
// f2 takes 1 number as input and returns a number as output
f2 = Partial(Add, 7);
f2(5); // returns 12;
// f2(7)(5) is just a syntactic shortcut
Currying the function Add will give us a new function as output. That function itself takes 1 number as input and outputs yet another new function. That third function then takes 1 number as input and returns a number as output. As such:
Curry(Add); // returns a function f2 as output
// f2 takes 1 number as input and returns a function f3 as output
// i.e. f2(number) = f3
// f3 takes 1 number as input and returns a number as output
// i.e. f3(number) = number
f2 = Curry(Add);
f3 = f2(7);
f3(5); // returns 12
In other words, "currying" and "partial application" are two totally different functions. Currying takes exactly 1 input, whereas partial application takes 2 (or more) inputs.
Even though they both return a function as output, the returned functions are of totally different forms as demonstrated above.
public static <A,B,X> Function< B, X > partiallyApply( BiFunction< A, B, X > aBiFunction, A aValue ){
return b -> aBiFunction.apply( aValue, b );
public static <A,X> Supplier< X > partiallyApply( Function< A, X > aFunction, A aValue ){
return () -> aFunction.apply( aValue );
public static <A,B,X> Function< A, Function< B, X > > curry( BiFunction< A, B, X > bif ){
return a -> partiallyApply( bif, a );
public static <A,B,X> Function< ? super B, ? extends X > partiallyApply( final BiFunction< ? super A, ? super B, X > aBiFunction, final A aValue ){
return b -> aBiFunction.apply( aValue, b );
public static <A,X> Supplier< ? extends X > partiallyApply( final Function< ? super A, X > aFunction, final A aValue ){
return () -> aFunction.apply( aValue );
public static <A,B,X> Function< ? super A, Function< ? super B, ? extends X > > curry( final BiFunction< ? super A, ? super B, ? extends X > bif ){
return a -> partiallyApply( bif, a );
curriedAdd = curry(add) # notice, no args are provided
addOne = curriedAdd(1) # returns a function that can be used to provide the last argument
addOne(2) #=> returns 3, as we want
partialAdd = partial(add) # no args provided, but this still returns a function
addOne = partialAdd(1) # oops! can only use a partially applied function once, so now we're trying to add one to an undefined value (no second argument), and we get an error
curriedAdd = curry(add)
curriedAdd()()()()()(1)(2) # ugly and dumb, but it works
partialAdd = partial(add)
partialAdd()()()()()(1)(2) # second invocation of those 7 calls fires it off with undefined parameters