鉴于 c + + 提供的新工具集,许多程序员,旨在简化代码,表现力,效率,浏览他们的旧代码,并作出微调(一些无意义的,一些成功的) ,以实现他们的目标。尽量不要在这些工作上浪费太多的时间,只是做一些非侵入性的、自我包含的改变,最佳做法是什么?
使用 奥托运行基于迭代器的循环:
for (std::vector<foo>::const_iterator it(lala.begin()), ite(lala.end()); it != ite;
// becomes
for (auto it(lala.cbegin()), ite(lala.cend()); it != ite; ++it);
Use tie for multiple assignments that just produce C-style rows of code ( how to assign multiple values into a struct at once? )
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
d = 4;
e = 5;
// becomes
std::tie(a, b, c, d, e) = std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
To make a class non inheritable just declare it as "final" and delete the code that achieved such a behavior http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq/final-classes.html
Use the delete keyword to explicitly hide constructors/destructors instead of declaring them private (eg code to create heap based objects, non copyable objects etc)
Turn trivial functors created just to facillitate the execution of a single STL algorithm into lambda functions (apart from reducing code cluttering you'll have guaranteed inlined calls)
Simplify RAII wrapping of an object by just using a smart pointer
Get rid of bind1st, bind2nd and just use bind
Replace hand written code for type traits (Is_ptr_but_dont_call_for_const_ptrs<> and such :) ) with standard code provided by < type_traits >
Stop including boost headers for functionallity now implented in STL (BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT vs static_assert)
Provide move semantics to classes (although this wouldn't qualify as a dirty/quick/easy change)
Use nullptr where possible instead of the NULL macro and get rid of the code that filled containers of pointers with 0's casted to object type
std::vector<foo*> f(23);
for (std::size_t i(0); i < 23; ++i)
{ f[i] = static_cast<foo*>(0); }
// becomes
std::vector<foo*> f(23, nullptr);
Clear the vector data accessing syntax
std::vector<int> vec;
&vec[0]; // access data as a C-style array
vec.data(); // new way of saying the above
Replace throw() with noexcept (apart from avoiding the deprecated exception specifiation you get some speed benefits http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/An-Effective-Cpp11-14-Sampler @ 00.29.42)
void some_func() noexcept; // more optimization options
void some_func() throw(); // fewer optimization options
void some_func() ; // fewer optimization options
Replace code where you'd push a tempory in a container and hoped that the optimizer would ellide the copy away, with an "emplace" function where available, in order to perfectly forward the argument and construct directly an object into a container without temporary at all.
vecOfPoints.push_back(Point(x,y,z)); // so '03
vecOfPoints.emplace_back(x, y, z); // no copy or move operations performed
The answer by Shafik Yaghmour was rightfully awarded the bounty for having the greatest acceptance by the audience.
The answer by R Sahu was my accepted one, because the combination of features it proposes captures the spirit of refactoring : making code clearer and cleaner and simpler and elegant.