Width ignored on flexbox items


I've set width: 200px; on the left <div> but if I view it with the browser inspector tool it appears that the real width is random or something. It keeps changing depending on the window size.

Why doesn't the width take effect?

EDIT: If I remove width: 100% the width stays fixed. But I need that so the #main div takes the remaining width :( Is there any way to have the sidebar @ fixed width and the other <div> fill the rest of the container width? width: auto; on #main doesn't work..

94943 次浏览

Add display:inline-block; in left class

Give the #left div a min-width of 200px, should do the job.

Remove the width on .container > div and use flex: auto; on #main: fiddle

#main {
flex: auto;
background: lightblue;
-webkit-order: 2;
order: 2;

The answer from Adrift is perfect; but a change to make it more flex would be

flex-basis: 200px;
flex-grow: 0;
flex-shrink: 0;

And remove the width property entirely.

It would be the flex way to say that the element will have an invariable width of 200px

add display: contents on the element or div you want to maintain the width.

Also (if nothing from above works)

Check your min-width and max-width. It fixed the same problem for me by increasing their range.

My preferred way of dealing with this situation is to add:

flex-shrink: 0;

This way you may continue using width in your Flex container and you've given it specific information about how you wish this flex item to behave.

Another option, depending on the requirement is to use min-width, which is respected when using flex.

Solved this with a flex not respecting min-width when there was not enough content to fill that width.

Added the CSS rule box-sizing: initial; on the same flex element that had the non-working min-width declaration.