DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow[] dr = dt.Select("Your string");
DataTable dt1 = dr.CopyToDataTable();
But if there is no rows in the array, it can cause the errors such as The source contains no DataRows. Therefore, if you decide to use this method CopyToDataTable(), you should check the array to know it has datarows or not.
if (dr.Length > 0)
DataTable dt1 = dr.CopyToDataTable();
// Create a DataTable
DataTable table = new DataTable()
// Filter and Sort expressions
string expression = "[Birth Year] >= 1983";
string sortOrder = "[Birth Year] ASC";
// Create a DataView using the table as its source and the filter and sort expressions
DataView dv = new DataView(table, expression, sortOrder, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
// Convert the DataView to a DataTable
DataTable new_table = dv.ToTable("NewTableName");
// dtData is DataTable that contain data
DataTable dt = dtData.Select("Condition=1").CopyToDataTable();
// or existing typed DataTable dt
DataTable Assetdaterow =
from s in dtResourceTable.AsEnumerable()
where s.Field<DateTime>("Date") == Convert.ToDateTime(AssetDate)
select s