public static class S3DirectoryInfoExtensions
public static S3DirectoryInfo Move(this S3DirectoryInfo fromDir, S3DirectoryInfo toDir)
if (toDir.Exists)
throw new ArgumentException("Destination for Rename operation already exists", "toDir");
foreach (var d in fromDir.EnumerateDirectories())
foreach (var f in fromDir.EnumerateFiles())
return toDir;
import threading
import os
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from import default_storage
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.urls import reverse
def rename_folder(request, client_url):
:param request:
:param client_url:
current_property = request.session.get('property')
if request.POST:
# name the change
new_name = request.POST['name']
# old full path with www.[].com?
old_path = request.POST['old_path']
# remove the query string
old_path = ''.join(old_path.split('?')[0])
# remove the .com prefix item so we have the path in the storage
old_path = ''.join(old_path.split('.com/')[-1])
# remove empty values, this will happen at end due to these being folders
old_path_list = [x for x in old_path.split('/') if x != '']
# remove the last folder element with split()
base_path = '/'.join(old_path_list[:-1])
# # now build the new path
new_path = base_path + f'/{new_name}/'
# remove empty variables
# print(old_path_list[:-1], old_path.split('/'), old_path, base_path, new_path)
endpoint = settings.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL
# # recursively add the files
copy_command = f"aws s3 --endpoint={endpoint} cp s3://{old_path} s3://{new_path} --recursive"
remove_command = f"aws s3 --endpoint={endpoint} rm s3://{old_path} --recursive"
# get_creds() is nothing special it simply returns the elements needed via boto3
client, resource, bucket, resource_bucket = get_creds()
path_viewing = f'{"/".join(old_path.split("/")[1:])}'
directory_content = default_storage.listdir(path_viewing)
# loop over folders and add them by default, aws cli does not copy empty ones
# so this is used to accommodate
folders, files = directory_content
for folder in folders:
new_key = new_path+folder+'/'
# we must remove bucket name for this to work
new_key = new_key.split(f"{bucket}/")[-1]
# push this to new thread
threading.Thread(target=put_object, args=(client, bucket, new_key,)).start()
print(f'{new_key} added')
# # run command, which will copy all data
print('Copy Done...')
print('Remove Done...')
# print(bucket)
print(f'Folder renamed.')
messages.success(request, f'Folder Renamed to: {new_name}')
return redirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', f"{reverse('home', args=[client_url])}"))