除了其他人所说的,它通常是由 aspnet _ regiis 工具创建的,这个工具可以由 Windows Update/AddRemoveWindows 组件/IIS 之类的东西(重新)运行。所以有时即使你删除了它,它也会随机回来。可能有一种方法可以停止这种行为,但是我还没有找到它(可能将应用程序版本更改为。NET 2可以做到这一点)。
So unless you're using certain features of .NET 1.0/1.1 (validation, Smart Navigation etc) you can delete it without any problems, just don't be too surprised if it comes back!
Figured I'd add this here as this is the link I kept being directed to when I googled this question. Apparently with .NET 4.0 and newer this folder is no longer needed and can be removed without issue.