< >强简要:
CocoaPods存储库从GitHub获取了大量数据,这就是问题所在。自1.0.0.beta.6版本以来已有更改。< / p >
If for whatever reason you cannot upgrade to version 1.0.0 just yet, you can perform the following steps to convert your clone of the Master spec-repo from a shallow to a full clone:
$ cd ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
$ git fetch --unshallow
1. pod setup
2. Ctrl+C
After that I could find ~/.cocoapods/repos/ empty directory
3. Download https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/archive/master.zip
4. unpack it to ~/.cocoapods/repos/
5. Move to project folder
6. pod install --no-repo-update