I have been getting the following error when running a SQL to convert my data type value from varchar
to datetime
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1 The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
I have checked the data and can't see anything to odd: Ran the following checks and all returning no results
SELECT [Date] from table where [DATe] is null
SELECT [Date] from table where [DATe] = ''
SELECT [Date] from table where LEN([date])> 10
SELECT [Date] from table where LEN([date])< 10
SELECT top 100 [Date] , SUBSTRING([date],4,2) from [table where convert(int, SUBSTRING([date],4,2)) < 1 or convert(int, SUBSTRING([date],4,2)) > 12
SELECT top 100 [Date] , SUBSTRING([date],1,2) from table where convert(int, SUBSTRING([date],4,2)) < 1 or convert(int, SUBSTRING([date],4,2)) > 31
Is there anything else worth looking at and maybe worth any pointers or help with this issue? Can't seem to get bottom of it.