显然,如果我们简单地测试所有可能的3-元组,我们就可以在 O (n3)中解决问题——这是蛮力基线。有可能做得更好吗?如果我们以更聪明的方式选择元组呢?
首先,我们投入一些时间对数组进行排序,这使我们的初始损失为 O (n logn)。现在我们执行这个算法:
for (i in 1..n-2) {
j = i+1 // Start right after i.
k = n // Start at the end of the array.
while (k >= j) {
// We got a match! All done.
if (A[i] + A[j] + A[k] == 0) return (A[i], A[j], A[k])
// We didn't match. Let's try to get a little closer:
// If the sum was too big, decrement k.
// If the sum was too small, increment j.
(A[i] + A[j] + A[k] > 0) ? k-- : j++
// When the while-loop finishes, j and k have passed each other and there's
// no more useful combinations that we can try with this i.
for(each ele in the sorted array)
ele = arr[i] - YOUR_NUMBER;
let front be the pointer to the front of the array;
let rear be the pointer to the rear element of the array.;
// till front is not greater than rear.
while(front <= rear)
if(*front + *rear == ele)
print "Found triplet "<<*front<<","<<*rear<<","<<ele<<endl;
// sum is > ele, so we need to decrease the sum by decrementing rear pointer.
if((*front + *rear) > ele)
decrement rear pointer.
// sum is < ele, so we need to increase the sum by incrementing the front pointer.
increment front pointer.
#include <stdio.h>;
int checkForSum (int arr[], int len, int sum) { //arr is sorted
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len ; i++) {
int left = i + 1;
int right = len - 1;
while (right > left) {
printf ("values are %d %d %d\n", arr[i], arr[left], arr[right]);
if (arr[right] + arr[left] + arr[i] - sum == 0) {
printf ("final values are %d %d %d\n", arr[i], arr[left], arr[right]);
return 1;
if (arr[right] + arr[left] + arr[i] - sum > 0)
return -1;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
int arr[] = {-99, -45, -6, -5, 0, 9, 12, 16, 21, 29};
int sum = 4;
printf ("check for sum %d in arr is %d\n", sum, checkForSum(arr, 10, sum));
// K is the sum that we are looking for
for i 1..n
int s1 = K - A[i]
for j 1..i
int s2 = s1 - A[j]
if (set.contains(s2))
print the numbers
bool FindSumZero(int a[], int n, int& x, int& y, int& z)
if (n < 3)
return false;
sort(a, a+n);
for (int i = 0; i < n-2; ++i)
int j = i+1;
int k = n-1;
while (k >= j)
int s = a[i]+a[j]+a[k];
if (s == 0 && i != j && j != k && k != i)
x = a[i], y = a[j], z = a[k];
return true;
if (s > 0)
return false;
public boolean solution(int[] input) {
int length = input.length;
if (length < 3) {
return false;
// x + y + z = 0 => -z = x + y
final Set<Integer> z = new HashSet<>(length);
int zeroCounter = 0, sum; // if they're more than 3 zeros we're done
for (int element : input) {
if (element < 0) {
if (element == 0) {
if (zeroCounter >= 3) {
return true;
if (z.isEmpty() || z.size() == length || (z.size() + zeroCounter == length)) {
return false;
} else {
for (int x = 0; x < length; ++x) {
for (int y = x + 1; y < length; ++y) {
sum = input[x] + input[y]; // will use it as inverse addition
if (sum < 0) {
if (z.contains(sum * -1)) {
return true;
return false;
import java.util.Stack;
public class GetTripletPair {
/** Set a value for target sum */
public static final int TARGET_SUM = 32;
private Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
/** Store the sum of current elements stored in stack */
private int sumInStack = 0;
private int count =0 ;
public void populateSubset(int[] data, int fromIndex, int endIndex) {
* Check if sum of elements stored in Stack is equal to the expected
* target sum.
* If so, call print method to print the candidate satisfied result.
if (sumInStack == TARGET_SUM) {
for (int currentIndex = fromIndex; currentIndex < endIndex; currentIndex++) {
if (sumInStack + data[currentIndex] <= TARGET_SUM) {
sumInStack += data[currentIndex];
* Make the currentIndex +1, and then use recursion to proceed
* further.
populateSubset(data, currentIndex + 1, endIndex);
sumInStack -= (Integer) stack.pop();
* Print satisfied result. i.e. 15 = 4+6+5
private void print(Stack<Integer> stack) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(TARGET_SUM).append(" = ");
for (Integer i : stack) {
System.out.println(sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1).toString());
private static final int[] DATA = {4,13,14,15,17};
public static void main(String[] args) {
GetAllSubsetByStack get = new GetAllSubsetByStack();
get.populateSubset(DATA, 0, DATA.length);
这可以在 O (n log (n))中有效地解决,如下所示。
import java.util.*;
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] a = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, -4, 6};
System.out.println(((Object) isThreeSumEqualsTarget(a, 11)).toString());
public static boolean isThreeSumEqualsTarget(int[] array, int targetNumber) {
//O(n log (n))
int leftIndex = 0;
int rightIndex = array.length - 1;
while (leftIndex + 1 < rightIndex - 1) {
//take sum of two corners
int sum = array[leftIndex] + array[rightIndex];
//find if the number matches exactly. Or get the closest match.
//here i am not storing closest matches. You can do it for yourself.
//O(log (n)) complexity
int binarySearchClosestIndex = binarySearch(leftIndex + 1, rightIndex - 1, targetNumber - sum, array);
//if exact match is found, we already got the answer
if (-1 == binarySearchClosestIndex) {
System.out.println(("combo is " + array[leftIndex] + ", " + array[rightIndex] + ", " + (targetNumber - sum)));
return true;
//if exact match is not found, we have to decide which pointer, left or right to move inwards
//we are here means , either we are on left end or on right end
else {
//we ended up searching towards start of array,i.e. we need a lesser sum , lets move inwards from right
//we need to have a lower sum, lets decrease right index
if (binarySearchClosestIndex == leftIndex + 1) {
} else if (binarySearchClosestIndex == rightIndex - 1) {
//we need to have a higher sum, lets decrease right index
return false;
public static int binarySearch(int start, int end, int elem, int[] array) {
int mid = 0;
while (start <= end) {
mid = (start + end) >>> 1;
if (elem < array[mid]) {
end = mid - 1;
} else if (elem > array[mid]) {
start = mid + 1;
} else {
//exact match case
//Suits more for this particular case to return -1
return -1;
return mid;
public int[] threeSumClosest(ArrayList<Integer> A, int B) {
int ansSum = 0;
int ans[] = new int[3];
int minCloseness = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < A.size()-2; i++){
int j = i+1;
int k = A.size()-1;
while (j < k){
int sum = A.get(i) + A.get(j) + A.get(k);
if (sum < B){
if (minCloseness > Math.abs(sum - B)){
minCloseness = Math.abs(sum - B);
ans[0] = A.get(i); ans[1] = A.get(j); ans[2] = A.get(k);
return ans;
class Solution:
def threeSumClosest(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> int:
result = set()
L = len(nums)
for i in range(L):
if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i-1]:
for j in range(i+1,L):
if j > i + 1 and nums[j] == nums[j-1]:
l = j+1
r = L -1
while l <= r:
sum = nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[l]
l = l + 1
while l<=r and nums[l] == nums[l-1]:
l = l + 1
result = list(result)
min = result[0]
for i in range(1,len(result)):
if abs(target - result[i]) < abs(target - min):
min = result[i]
return min