What is the "reactor" in Maven?

I've been reading about Maven reactor and am confused by its terminology usage. I've read that a multi-module is a reactor, that you can manipulate the maven reactor and that the reactor is a plugin. What exactly is the reactor?

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反应器是 Maven 的一部分,它允许 Maven 在一组模块上执行一个目标。正如在 Maven 1.x 关于多模块构建的文档中提到的(反应堆的概念已经在 Maven 1.x 中提到了) ,而模块是 离散的工作单位,他们可以聚集在一起使用反应堆建立他们同时和:


正如解释的那样,反应器使多模块构建成为可能: 它计算模块之间的依赖关系的有向图,从这个图中导出构建顺序(这就是为什么不允许循环依赖关系,这无论如何是件好事) ,然后对模块执行目标。换句话说,“ 多模块构建”是“ 建造反应堆”,“ 建造反应堆”是“ 多模块构建”。

In Maven 2.x, the support of multi-module builds has been very much improved and the reactor has become transparent to Maven users. But it's still there and is used under the hood.

In September 2008 (i.e. a long time after the rollout of Maven 2), a 反应堆插件 has been created to make it possible to interact (again) more closely with the Maven reactor. Brett Porter blogged about it in 反应堆: 我最喜欢的新专家插件.

现在大多数反应器插件特性都得到了本机支持(自 Maven2.1.0以来)。


The work done by reactor is:

  • 收集模块详细信息
  • 根据依赖项对顺序进行排序
  • 按顺序构建项目

从2.1版本开始,有了新的命令行选项,允许您操作 Maven 构建多模块项目的方式。这些新的选择是:

-rf, --resume-from
Resume reactor from specified project
-pl, --projects
Build specified reactor projects instead of all projects
-am, --also-make
If project list is specified, also build projects required by the list
-amd, --also-make-dependents
If project list is specified, also build projects that depend on projects on the list
