"userAdmin is effectively the superuser role for a specific database. Users with userAdmin can grant themselves all privileges. However, userAdmin does not explicitly authorize a user for any privileges beyond user administration." from the link you posted
While out of the box, MongoDb has no authentication, you can create the equivalent of a root/superuser by using the "any" roles to a specific user to the admin database.
While there is a new root user in 2.6, you may find that it doesn't meet your needs, as it still has a few limitations:
Provides access to the operations and all the resources of the
readWriteAnyDatabase, dbAdminAnyDatabase, userAdminAnyDatabase and
clusterAdmin roles combined.
root does not include any access to collections that begin with the
system. prefix.
The root has the validate privilege action on system. collections.
Previously, root does not include any access to collections that begin
with the system. prefix other than system.indexes and
I noticed a lot of these answers, use this command:
use admin
which switches to the admin database. At least in Mongo v4.0.6, creating a user in the context of the admin database will create a user with "_id" : "admin.administrator":
I emphasize "admin.administrator", for I have a Mongoid (mongodb ruby adapter) application with a different database than admin and I use the URI to reference the database in my mongoid.yml configuration:
Notice the database is mysite_development, not admin. When I try to run the application, I get an error "User administrator (mechanism: scram256) is not authorized to access mysite_development".
So I return to the Mongo shell delete the user, switch to the specified database and recreate the user:
After making this change, the error went away and I was able to connect to MongoDB fine inside my application.
Extra Notes:
In my example above, I deleted the user and recreated the user in the right database context. Had you already created the user in the right database context but given it the wrong roles, you could assign a mongodb built-in role to the user:
It is common practice to have a single db that is used just for the authentication data for a whole system.
On the connection uri, as well as specifying the db that you are connecting to use, you can also specify the db to authenticate against.
That way you create all your user credentions AND roles in that single auth db.
If you want a be all and end all super user on a db then, you just givem the role of "root@thedbinquestion"
for example...