String a = "abc"; // 1 Object: "abc" added to pool
String b = "abc"; // 0 Object: because it is already in the pool
String c = new String("abc"); // 1 Object
String d = new String("def"); // 1 Object + "def" is added to the Pool
String e = d.intern(); // (e==d) is "false" because e refers to the String in pool
String f = e.intern(); // (f==e) is "true"
//Total Objects: 4 ("abc", c, d, "def").
We usually use String literals to avoid creating unnecessary objects. If we use new operator to create String object , then it will create new object everytime .
String s1=“Hello“;
String s2=“Hello“;
String s3= new String(“Hello“);
String s4= new String(“Hello“);