现在你已经在App Store Connect上设置了你的应用内购买信息,进入你的Xcode项目,进入应用管理器(方法和头文件顶部的蓝色页面状图标),在目标下点击你的应用(应该是第一个),然后进入general。在底部,你应该看到linked frameworks and libraries点击小的加号,并添加框架StoreKit.framework如果你不这样做,应用内购买将不工作!
#import <StoreKit/StoreKit.h>
//put the name of your view controller in place of MyViewController
@interface MyViewController() <SKProductsRequestDelegate, SKPaymentTransactionObserver>
@implementation MyViewController //the name of your view controller (same as above)
//the code below will be added here
//If you have more than one in-app purchase, you can define both of
//of them here. So, for example, you could define both kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier
//and kBuyCurrencyProductIdentifier with their respective product ids
//for this example, we will only use one product
#define kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier @"put your product id (the one that we just made in App Store Connect) in here"
- (IBAction)tapsRemoveAds{
NSLog(@"User requests to remove ads");
if([SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments]){
NSLog(@"User can make payments");
//If you have more than one in-app purchase, and would like
//to have the user purchase a different product, simply define
//another function and replace kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier with
//the identifier for the other product
SKProductsRequest *productsRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers:[NSSet setWithObject:kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier]];
productsRequest.delegate = self;
[productsRequest start];
NSLog(@"User cannot make payments due to parental controls");
//this is called the user cannot make payments, most likely due to parental controls
- (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response{
SKProduct *validProduct = nil;
int count = [response.products count];
if(count > 0){
validProduct = [response.products objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"Products Available!");
[self purchase:validProduct];
else if(!validProduct){
NSLog(@"No products available");
//this is called if your product id is not valid, this shouldn't be called unless that happens.
- (void)purchase:(SKProduct *)product{
SKPayment *payment = [SKPayment paymentWithProduct:product];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment];
- (IBAction) restore{
//this is called when the user restores purchases, you should hook this up to a button
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:self];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];
- (void) paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue
NSLog(@"received restored transactions: %i", queue.transactions.count);
for(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in queue.transactions){
if(transaction.transactionState == SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored){
//called when the user successfully restores a purchase
NSLog(@"Transaction state -> Restored");
//if you have more than one in-app purchase product,
//you restore the correct product for the identifier.
//For example, you could use
//if(productID == kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier)
//to get the product identifier for the
//restored purchases, you can use
//NSString *productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier;
[self doRemoveAds];
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];
- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions{
for(SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in transactions){
//if you have multiple in app purchases in your app,
//you can get the product identifier of this transaction
//by using transaction.payment.productIdentifier
//then, check the identifier against the product IDs
//that you have defined to check which product the user
//just purchased
case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing: NSLog(@"Transaction state -> Purchasing");
//called when the user is in the process of purchasing, do not add any of your own code here.
case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased:
//this is called when the user has successfully purchased the package (Cha-Ching!)
[self doRemoveAds]; //you can add your code for what you want to happen when the user buys the purchase here, for this tutorial we use removing ads
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];
NSLog(@"Transaction state -> Purchased");
case SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored:
NSLog(@"Transaction state -> Restored");
//add the same code as you did from SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased here
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];
case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed:
//called when the transaction does not finish
if(transaction.error.code == SKErrorPaymentCancelled){
NSLog(@"Transaction state -> Cancelled");
//the user cancelled the payment ;(
[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:transaction];
- (void)doRemoveAds{
ADBannerView *banner;
[banner setAlpha:0];
areAdsRemoved = YES;
removeAdsButton.hidden = YES;
removeAdsButton.enabled = NO;
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:areAdsRemoved forKey:@"areAdsRemoved"];
//use NSUserDefaults so that you can load whether or not they bought it
//it would be better to use KeyChain access, or something more secure
//to store the user data, because NSUserDefaults can be changed.
//You're average downloader won't be able to change it very easily, but
//it's still best to use something more secure than NSUserDefaults.
//For the purpose of this tutorial, though, we're going to use NSUserDefaults
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
- (void)doRemoveAds{
[self.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blueColor]];
areAdsRemoved = YES
//set the bool for whether or not they purchased it to YES, you could use your own boolean here, but you would have to declare it in your .h file
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:areAdsRemoved forKey:@"areAdsRemoved"];
//use NSUserDefaults so that you can load wether or not they bought it
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
areAdsRemoved = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"areAdsRemoved"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
//this will load wether or not they bought the in-app purchase
[self.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blueColor]];
//if they did buy it, set the background to blue, if your using the code above to set the background to blue, if your removing ads, your going to have to make your own code here
接下来,进入App Store Connect,然后单击Users and Access,然后单击Sandbox Testers标头,然后单击左边的+符号,上面写着Testers。你可以随机输入名字和姓氏,电子邮件不必是真实的——你只需要能够记住它。输入密码(你必须记住),然后填写剩下的信息。我建议你将Date of Birth设置为一个使用户年满18岁的日期。App Store Territory有是在正确的国家。接下来,注销你现有的iTunes帐户(本教程结束后你可以重新登录)。
现在,在你的iOS设备上运行你的应用程序,如果你尝试在模拟器上运行它,购买将总是错误,你必须在你的iOS设备上运行它。应用程序运行后,点击购买按钮。当提示您登录iTunes帐户时,请以我们刚刚创建的测试用户登录。接下来,当它要求你确认购买99美分或任何你设置的价格层时,截取它的屏幕快照这是你将在App Store Connect上使用的screenshot for review。现在取消付款。
现在,转到App Store Connect,然后转到My Apps >the app you have the In-app purchase on祝辞In-App Purchases。然后点击你的应用内购买,点击应用内购买详情下的编辑。一旦你完成了这些,将你刚刚在iPhone上拍摄的照片导入到你的电脑中,并将其作为截图上传以供审查,然后,在审查笔记中,输入你的测试用户电子邮件和密码。这将有助于苹果在审查过程中。
完成此操作后,回到iOS设备上的应用程序,仍然以测试用户帐户登录,并单击购买按钮。在你确认付款之后,确保当用户购买你的产品时所发生的事情确实发生了。如果没有,那么这将是你的doRemoveAds方法的一个错误。同样,我建议使用将背景改为蓝色来测试应用内购买,但这不应该是你实际的应用内购买。如果一切正常,你就可以开始了!只要确保在你上传应用到App Store Connect时将应用内购买包含在你的新二进制文件中!
class InAppPurchaseManager: NSObject , SKProductsRequestDelegate, SKPaymentTransactionObserver{
//If you have more than one in-app purchase, you can define both of
//of them here. So, for example, you could define both kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier
//and kBuyCurrencyProductIdentifier with their respective product ids
//for this example, we will only use one product
let kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier = "put your product id (the one that we just made in iTunesConnect) in here"
@IBAction func tapsRemoveAds() {
NSLog("User requests to remove ads")
if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments() {
NSLog("User can make payments")
//If you have more than one in-app purchase, and would like
//to have the user purchase a different product, simply define
//another function and replace kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier with
//the identifier for the other product
let set : Set<String> = [kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier]
let productsRequest = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: set)
productsRequest.delegate = self
else {
NSLog("User cannot make payments due to parental controls")
//this is called the user cannot make payments, most likely due to parental controls
func purchase(product : SKProduct) {
let payment = SKPayment(product: product)
func restore() {
//this is called when the user restores purchases, you should hook this up to a button
func doRemoveAds() {
//TODO: implement
//////////////// store delegate /////////////////
// MARK: - store delegate -
func productsRequest(request: SKProductsRequest, didReceiveResponse response: SKProductsResponse) {
if let validProduct = response.products.first {
NSLog("Products Available!")
else {
NSLog("No products available")
//this is called if your product id is not valid, this shouldn't be called unless that happens.
func paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished(queue: SKPaymentQueue) {
NSLog("received restored transactions: \(queue.transactions.count)")
for transaction in queue.transactions {
if transaction.transactionState == .Restored {
//called when the user successfully restores a purchase
NSLog("Transaction state -> Restored")
//if you have more than one in-app purchase product,
//you restore the correct product for the identifier.
//For example, you could use
//if(productID == kRemoveAdsProductIdentifier)
//to get the product identifier for the
//restored purchases, you can use
//NSString *productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier;
func paymentQueue(queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) {
for transaction in transactions {
switch transaction.transactionState {
case .Purchasing: NSLog("Transaction state -> Purchasing")
//called when the user is in the process of purchasing, do not add any of your own code here.
case .Purchased:
//this is called when the user has successfully purchased the package (Cha-Ching!)
self.doRemoveAds() //you can add your code for what you want to happen when the user buys the purchase here, for this tutorial we use removing ads
NSLog("Transaction state -> Purchased")
case .Restored:
NSLog("Transaction state -> Restored")
//add the same code as you did from SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased here
case .Failed:
//called when the transaction does not finish
if transaction.error?.code == SKErrorPaymentCancelled {
NSLog("Transaction state -> Cancelled")
//the user cancelled the payment ;(
case .Deferred:
// The transaction is in the queue, but its final status is pending external action.
NSLog("Transaction state -> Deferred")
// This should the ID of the in-app-purchase you made on AppStore Connect.
// if you have multiple IAPs, you'll need to store their identifiers in
// other variables, too (or, preferably in an enum).
let removeAdsID = "com.skiplit.removeAds"
// This is the initializer for your IAPManager class
// A better, and more scaleable way of doing this
// is to also accept a callback in the initializer, and call
// that callback in places like the paymentQueue function, and
// in all functions in this class, in place of calls to functions
// in RemoveAdsManager (you'll see those calls in the code below).
let productID: String
init(productID: String){
self.productID = productID
// This is called when a SKProductsRequest receives a response
public func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse){
// Let's try to get the first product from the response
// to the request
if let product = response.products.first{
// We were able to get the product! Make a new payment
// using this product
let payment = SKPayment(product: product)
// add the new payment to the queue
// Something went wrong! It is likely that either
// the user doesn't have internet connection, or
// your product ID is wrong!
// Tell the user in requestFailed() by sending an alert,
// or something of the sort
// This is called when the user restores their IAP sucessfully
private func paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue){
// For every transaction in the transaction queue...
for transaction in queue.transactions{
// If that transaction was restored
if transaction.transactionState == .restored{
// get the producted ID from the transaction
let productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier
// In this case, we have only one IAP, so we don't need to check
// what IAP it is. However, this is useful if you have multiple IAPs!
// You'll need to figure out which one was restored
if(productID.lowercased() == IAPManager.removeAdsID.lowercased()){
// Restore the user's purchases
// finish the payment
// This is called when the state of the IAP changes -- from purchasing to purchased, for example.
// This is where the magic happens :)
public func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]){
for transaction in transactions{
// get the producted ID from the transaction
let productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier
// In this case, we have only one IAP, so we don't need to check
// what IAP it is.
// However, if you have multiple IAPs, you'll need to use productID
// to check what functions you should run here!
switch transaction.transactionState{
case .purchasing:
// if the user is currently purchasing the IAP,
// we don't need to do anything.
// You could use this to show the user
// an activity indicator, or something like that
case .purchased:
// the user successfully purchased the IAP!
case .restored:
// the user restored their IAP!
case .failed:
// The transaction failed!
// finish the transaction
case .deferred:
// This happens when the IAP needs an external action
// in order to proceeded, like Ask to Buy
// Call this when you want to begin a purchase
// for the productID you gave to the initializer
public func beginPurchase(){
// If the user can make payments
if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments(){
// Create a new request
let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: [productID])
// Set the request delegate to self, so we receive a response
request.delegate = self
// start the request
// Otherwise, tell the user that
// they are not authorized to make payments,
// due to parental controls, etc
// Call this when you want to restore all purchases
// regardless of the productID you gave to the initializer
public func beginRestorePurchases(){
// restore purchases, and give responses to self
public class RemoveAdsManager{
class func removeAds()
class func restoreRemoveAds()
class func areAdsRemoved() -> Bool
class func removeAdsSuccess()
class func restoreRemoveAdsSuccess()
class func removeAdsDeferred()
class func removeAdsFailure()
// Call this when the user wants
// to remove ads, like when they
// press a "remove ads" button
class func removeAds(){
// Before starting the purchase, you could tell the
// user that their purchase is happening, maybe with
// an activity indicator
let iap = IAPManager(productID: IAPManager.removeAdsID)
// Call this when the user wants
// to restore their IAP purchases,
// like when they press a "restore
// purchases" button.
class func restoreRemoveAds(){
// Before starting the purchase, you could tell the
// user that the restore action is happening, maybe with
// an activity indicator
let iap = IAPManager(productID: IAPManager.removeAdsID)
// Call this to check whether or not
// ads are removed. You can use the
// result of this to hide or show
// ads
class func areAdsRemoved() -> Bool{
// This is the code that is run to check
// if the user has the IAP.
return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "RemoveAdsPurchased")
// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the user sucessfully purchases
// the IAP
class func removeAdsSuccess(){
// This is the code that is run to actually
// give the IAP to the user!
// I'm using UserDefaults in this example,
// but you may want to use Keychain,
// or some other method, as UserDefaults
// can be modified by users using their
// computer, if they know how to, more
// easily than Keychain
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "RemoveAdsPurchased")
// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the user sucessfully restores
// their purchases
class func restoreRemoveAdsSuccess(){
// Give the user their IAP back! Likely all you'll need to
// do is call the same function you call when a user
// sucessfully completes their purchase. In this case, removeAdsSuccess()
// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the IAP failed
class func removeAdsFailure(){
// Send the user a message explaining that the IAP
// failed for some reason, and to try again later
// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the IAP gets deferred.
class func removeAdsDeferred(){
// Send the user a message explaining that the IAP
// was deferred, and pending an external action, like
// Ask to Buy.
import Foundation
import StoreKit
public class RemoveAdsManager{
// Call this when the user wants
// to remove ads, like when they
// press a "remove ads" button
class func removeAds(){
// Before starting the purchase, you could tell the
// user that their purchase is happening, maybe with
// an activity indicator
let iap = IAPManager(productID: IAPManager.removeAdsID)
// Call this when the user wants
// to restore their IAP purchases,
// like when they press a "restore
// purchases" button.
class func restoreRemoveAds(){
// Before starting the purchase, you could tell the
// user that the restore action is happening, maybe with
// an activity indicator
let iap = IAPManager(productID: IAPManager.removeAdsID)
// Call this to check whether or not
// ads are removed. You can use the
// result of this to hide or show
// ads
class func areAdsRemoved() -> Bool{
// This is the code that is run to check
// if the user has the IAP.
return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "RemoveAdsPurchased")
// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the user sucessfully purchases
// the IAP
class func removeAdsSuccess(){
// This is the code that is run to actually
// give the IAP to the user!
// I'm using UserDefaults in this example,
// but you may want to use Keychain,
// or some other method, as UserDefaults
// can be modified by users using their
// computer, if they know how to, more
// easily than Keychain
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "RemoveAdsPurchased")
// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the user sucessfully restores
// their purchases
class func restoreRemoveAdsSuccess(){
// Give the user their IAP back! Likely all you'll need to
// do is call the same function you call when a user
// sucessfully completes their purchase. In this case, removeAdsSuccess()
// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the IAP failed
class func removeAdsFailure(){
// Send the user a message explaining that the IAP
// failed for some reason, and to try again later
// This will be called by IAPManager
// when the IAP gets deferred.
class func removeAdsDeferred(){
// Send the user a message explaining that the IAP
// was deferred, and pending an external action, like
// Ask to Buy.
public class IAPManager: NSObject, SKProductsRequestDelegate, SKPaymentTransactionObserver{
// This should the ID of the in-app-purchase you made on AppStore Connect.
// if you have multiple IAPs, you'll need to store their identifiers in
// other variables, too (or, preferably in an enum).
static let removeAdsID = "com.skiplit.removeAds"
// This is the initializer for your IAPManager class
// An alternative, and more scaleable way of doing this
// is to also accept a callback in the initializer, and call
// that callback in places like the paymentQueue function, and
// in all functions in this class, in place of calls to functions
// in RemoveAdsManager.
let productID: String
init(productID: String){
self.productID = productID
// Call this when you want to begin a purchase
// for the productID you gave to the initializer
public func beginPurchase(){
// If the user can make payments
if SKPaymentQueue.canMakePayments(){
// Create a new request
let request = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: [productID])
request.delegate = self
// Otherwise, tell the user that
// they are not authorized to make payments,
// due to parental controls, etc
// Call this when you want to restore all purchases
// regardless of the productID you gave to the initializer
public func beginRestorePurchases(){
// This is called when a SKProductsRequest receives a response
public func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse){
// Let's try to get the first product from the response
// to the request
if let product = response.products.first{
// We were able to get the product! Make a new payment
// using this product
let payment = SKPayment(product: product)
// add the new payment to the queue
// Something went wrong! It is likely that either
// the user doesn't have internet connection, or
// your product ID is wrong!
// Tell the user in requestFailed() by sending an alert,
// or something of the sort
// This is called when the user restores their IAP sucessfully
private func paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue){
// For every transaction in the transaction queue...
for transaction in queue.transactions{
// If that transaction was restored
if transaction.transactionState == .restored{
// get the producted ID from the transaction
let productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier
// In this case, we have only one IAP, so we don't need to check
// what IAP it is. However, this is useful if you have multiple IAPs!
// You'll need to figure out which one was restored
if(productID.lowercased() == IAPManager.removeAdsID.lowercased()){
// Restore the user's purchases
// finish the payment
// This is called when the state of the IAP changes -- from purchasing to purchased, for example.
// This is where the magic happens :)
public func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]){
for transaction in transactions{
// get the producted ID from the transaction
let productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier
// In this case, we have only one IAP, so we don't need to check
// what IAP it is.
// However, if you have multiple IAPs, you'll need to use productID
// to check what functions you should run here!
switch transaction.transactionState{
case .purchasing:
// if the user is currently purchasing the IAP,
// we don't need to do anything.
// You could use this to show the user
// an activity indicator, or something like that
case .purchased:
// the user sucessfully purchased the IAP!
case .restored:
// the user restored their IAP!
case .failed:
// The transaction failed!
// finish the transaction
case .deferred:
// This happens when the IAP needs an external action
// in order to proceeded, like Ask to Buy