> dbg:start(). % start dbg
> dbg:tracer(). % start a simple tracer process
> dbg:tp(Module, Function, Arity, []). % specify MFA you are interested in
> dbg:p(all, c). % trace calls (c) of that MFA for all processes.
... trace here
> dbg:stop_clear(). % stop tracer and clear effect of tp and p calls.
> dbg:tpl(Module, '_', []). % all calls in Module
> dbg:tpl(Module, Function, '_', []). % all calls to Module:Function with any arity.
> dbg:tpl(Module, Function, Arity, []). % all calls to Module:Function/Arity.
> dbg:tpl(M, F, A, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]). % same as before, but also show return value.
您可以通过调用 p ()来选择要跟踪的进程。项目在 erlang: trace 下描述。有些电话是:
> dbg:p(all, c). % trace calls to selected functions by all functions
> dbg:p(new, c). % trace calls by processes spawned from now on
> dbg:p(Pid, c). % trace calls by given process
> dbg:p(Pid, [c, m]). % trace calls and messages of a given process