var selectionStore = new Object(); // keep the currently selected items' ids in a store
function storeSelectedRadiosForThisGroup(elementName) {
// get all the elements for this group
var radioOrSelectGroup = document.getElementsByName(elementName);
// iterate over the group to find the selected values and store the selected ids in the selectionStore
// ((radioOrSelectGroup[i].checked == true) tells you that)
// remember checkbox groups can have multiple checked items, so you you might need an array for the ids
function setSelectedStateForEachElementOfThisGroup(elementName) {
// iterate over the group and set the elements checked property to true/false, depending on whether their id is in the selectionStore
// make sure you return false here
return false;
if ($(node).prop('readonly')) {
$(node).parent('div').addClass('disabled'); // just styling, appears greyed out
$(node).on('click', function (e) {
Ext.define('MyApp.override.field.Checkbox', {
override: 'Ext.field.Checkbox',
* OVERRIDE: to allow updateReadOnly to work propperly
* @param {boolean} newValue
* To ensure the disabled state stays active if the field is still readOnly
* we re - set the disabled state
updateDisabled(newValue) {
if (!newValue && this.getReadOnly()) {
this.inputElement.dom.disabled = true;
* OVERRIDE: readonly for radiogroups and checkboxgroup do not work as other fields
* @param {boolean} newValue
* - use disabled on the field
updateReadOnly(value) {
if (!this.getDisabled()) {
this.inputElement.dom.disabled = value;
input at POST),并注意到html属性'readonly'只工作
addReadOnlyToFormElements = function (idElement) {
// html readonly don't work on input of type checkbox and radio, neither on select. So, a safe trick is to disable the non-selected items
$('#' + idElement + ' input[type="radio"]:not(:checked)').prop('disabled',true);
// and, on the selected ones, mimic readonly appearance
$('#' + idElement + ' input[type="radio"]:checked').css('opacity','0.5');
removeReadOnlyFromFormElements = function (idElement) {
// Remove the disabled attribut on non-selected
$('#' + idElement + ' input[type="radio"]:not(:checked)').prop('disabled',false);
// Remove readonly appearance on selected ones
$('#' + idElement + ' input[type="radio"]:checked').css('opacity','');