std::string name = "John";
int age = 21;
std::string result;
// 1. with Boost
result = name + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(age);
// 2. with C++11
result = name + std::to_string(age);
// 3. with FastFormat.Format
fastformat::fmt(result, "{0}{1}", name, age);
// 4. with FastFormat.Write
fastformat::write(result, name, age);
// 5. with the {fmt} library
result = fmt::format("{}{}", name, age);
// 6. with IOStreams
std::stringstream sstm;
sstm << name << age;
result = sstm.str();
// 7. with itoa
char numstr[21]; // enough to hold all numbers up to 64-bits
result = name + itoa(age, numstr, 10);
// 8. with sprintf
char numstr[21]; // enough to hold all numbers up to 64-bits
sprintf(numstr, "%d", age);
result = name + numstr;
// 9. with STLSoft's integer_to_string
char numstr[21]; // enough to hold all numbers up to 64-bits
result = name + stlsoft::integer_to_string(numstr, 21, age);
// 10. with STLSoft's winstl::int_to_string()
result = name + winstl::int_to_string(age);
// 11. With Poco NumberFormatter
result = name + Poco::NumberFormatter().format(age);
char intToChar(int num)
if (num < 10 && num >= 0)
return num + 48;
//48 is the number that we add to an integer number to have its character equivalent (see the unsigned ASCII table)
return '*';
string intToString(int num)
int digits = 0, process, single;
string numString;
process = num;
// The following process the number of digits in num
while (process != 0)
single = process % 10; // 'single' now holds the rightmost portion of the int
process = (process - single)/10;
// Take out the rightmost number of the int (it's a zero in this portion of the int), then divide it by 10
// The above combination eliminates the rightmost portion of the int
digits ++;
process = num;
// Fill the numString with '*' times digits
for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++)
numString += '*';
for (int i = digits-1; i >= 0; i--)
single = process % 10;
numString[i] = intToChar ( single);
process = (process - single) / 10;
return numString;
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string name = "John";
int age = 21;
string answer1 = "";
// Method 1). string s1 = to_string(age).
string s1=to_string(age); // Know the integer get converted into string
// where as we know that concatenation can easily be done using '+' in C++
answer1 = name + s1;
cout << answer1 << endl;
// Method 2). Using string streams
ostringstream s2;
s2 << age;
string s3 = s2.str(); // The str() function will convert a number into a string
string answer2 = ""; // For concatenation of strings.
answer2 = name + s3;
cout << answer2 << endl;
return 0;