如何在控制台模式下访问 Emacs 中的菜单?

如果使用 -nw标志启动 Emacs 以强制一个控制台会话(而不是运行 X 个窗口的 X 个会话) ,那么如何进入菜单?


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M-x menu-bar-mode

The F10 key will access the menus for me in both Windows versions and a console version in Red Hat Linux (RHEL) 4.

M-x menu-bar-open, which is usually bound to F10. This works with and without menu-bar-mode (which just shows the names of the menus at the top of the screen).

On my computer (with openSUSE), it is not F10 but M-` which allows to access menu items. More information is available here:


La Carte (library lacarte.el) --------

It lets you execute menu commands from the keyboard, using completion:

Menu command:
Menu command: t [TAB]
Menu command: Tools >
Menu command: Tools > Compa [TAB]
Menu command: Tools > Compare (Ediff) > Two F [TAB]
Menu command: Tools > Compare (Ediff) > Two Files... [RET]

F10 is inaccessible for ssh to a remote host over a Mac terminal.

How to get to the menu:

C-h b to get all the key bindings.

Use C-s to incrementally search on "menu" in the key bindings help. Hit C-s to find next and next occurrences.

See the ESC `?

Type ESC ` on the Mac and it will work.

For my Emacs and Mac setup, I found that Command + Fn + F10 creates a buffer showing Emacs menu-content selectable by a further keystroke.