var element = document.getElementById('hello');
element.innerText = '<strong> hello world </strong>';
console.log('The innerText property will not parse the html tags as html tags but as normal text:\n' + element.innerText);
console.log('The innerHTML element property will encode the html tags found inside the text of the element:\n' + element.innerHTML);
element.innerHTML = '<strong> hello world </strong>';
console.log('The <strong> tag we put above has been parsed using the innerHTML property so the .innerText will not show them \n ' + element.innerText);
const ourstring = 'My name is <b class="name">Satish chandra Gupta</b>.';
document.getElementById('innertext').innerText = ourstring;
document.getElementById('innerhtml').innerHTML = ourstring;
.name {
<p><b>Inner text below. It inject string as it is into the element.</b></p>
<p id="innertext"></p>
<p><b>Inner html below. It renders the string into the element and treat as part of html document.</b></p>
<p id="innerhtml"></p>
<p id="mainContent">This is a <strong>sample</strong> sentennce for Reading.</p>
<p id="htmlWrite"></p>
<p id="textWrite"></p>
// > @basic (simple)
// read
var ele_mainContent = document.getElementById('mainContent');
alert(ele_mainContent.innerHTML); // This is a <strong>sample</strong> sentennce for Reading. // >" + => `.innerHTML` will **not make any modification** for your read/write
alert(ele_mainContent.innerText); // This is a sample sentennce for Reading. // >" 2. any (valid) `html tag` in the `ele` will be **removed** -- so it becomes "plain text"
// write
var str_WriteOutput = "Write <strong>this</strong> sentence to the output.";
var ele_htmlWrite = document.getElementById('htmlWrite');
var ele_textWrite = document.getElementById('textWrite');
ele_htmlWrite.innerHTML = str_WriteOutput;
ele_textWrite.innerText = str_WriteOutput;
alert(ele_htmlWrite.innerHTML); // Write <strong>this</strong> sentence to the output. // >" + => `.innerHTML` will **not make any modification** for your read/write
alert(ele_htmlWrite.innerText); // Write this sentence to the output. // >" 2. any (valid) `html tag` in the `ele` will be **removed** -- so it becomes "plain text"
alert(ele_textWrite.innerHTML); // Write <strong>this</strong> sentence to the output. // >" any `html reserved special character` in the String will be **encoded** into html format first
alert(ele_textWrite.innerText); // Write <strong>this</strong> sentence to the output. // >" 1. any `html reserved special character` in the `ele` will be **decoded** back into a readable text format,
// > @basic (more)
// write - with html encoded char
var str_WriteOutput_encodedChar = "What if you have <strong>encoded</strong> char in <strong>the</strong> sentence?";
var ele_htmlWrite_encodedChar = document.getElementById('htmlWrite_encodedChar');
var ele_textWrite_encodedChar = document.getElementById('textWrite_encodedChar');
ele_htmlWrite_encodedChar.innerHTML = str_WriteOutput_encodedChar;
ele_textWrite_encodedChar.innerText = str_WriteOutput_encodedChar;
alert(ele_htmlWrite_encodedChar.innerHTML); // What if you have <strong>encoded</strong> char in <strong>the</strong> sentence?
alert(ele_htmlWrite_encodedChar.innerText); // What if you have <strong>encoded</strong> char in the sentence?
alert(ele_textWrite_encodedChar.innerHTML); // What if you have &lt;strong&gt;encoded&lt;/strong&gt; char in <strong>the</strong> sentence?
alert(ele_textWrite_encodedChar.innerText); // What if you have <strong>encoded</strong> char in <strong>the</strong> sentence?
// > @note-advance: read then write
var ele__htmlRead_Then_htmlWrite = document.getElementById('htmlRead_Then_htmlWrite');
var ele__htmlRead_Then_textWrite = document.getElementById('htmlRead_Then_textWrite');
var ele__textRead_Then_htmlWrite = document.getElementById('textRead_Then_htmlWrite');
var ele__textRead_Then_textWrite = document.getElementById('textRead_Then_textWrite');
ele__htmlRead_Then_htmlWrite.innerHTML = ele_mainContent.innerHTML;
ele__htmlRead_Then_textWrite.innerText = ele_mainContent.innerHTML;
ele__textRead_Then_htmlWrite.innerHTML = ele_mainContent.innerText;
ele__textRead_Then_textWrite.innerText = ele_mainContent.innerText;
alert(ele__htmlRead_Then_htmlWrite.innerHTML); // This is a <strong>sample</strong> sentennce for Reading.
alert(ele__htmlRead_Then_htmlWrite.innerText); // This is a sample sentennce for Reading.
alert(ele__htmlRead_Then_textWrite.innerHTML); // This is a <strong>sample</strong> sentennce for Reading.
alert(ele__htmlRead_Then_textWrite.innerText); // This is a <strong>sample</strong> sentennce for Reading.
alert(ele__textRead_Then_htmlWrite.innerHTML); // This is a sample sentennce for Reading.
alert(ele__textRead_Then_htmlWrite.innerText); // This is a sample sentennce for Reading.
alert(ele__textRead_Then_textWrite.innerHTML); // This is a sample sentennce for Reading.
alert(ele__textRead_Then_textWrite.innerText); // This is a sample sentennce for Reading.
// the parsed html after js is executed
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p id="mainContent">This is a <strong>sample</strong> sentennce for Reading.</p>
<p id="htmlWrite">Write <strong>this</strong> sentence to the output.</p>
<p id="textWrite">Write <strong>this</strong> sentence to the output.</p>
<!-- P2 -->
<p id="htmlWrite_encodedChar">What if you have <strong>encoded</strong> char in <strong>the</strong> sentence?</p>
<p id="textWrite_encodedChar">What if you have &lt;strong&gt;encoded&lt;/strong&gt; char in <strong>the</strong> sentence?</p>
<!-- P3 @note: -->
<p id="htmlRead_Then_htmlWrite">This is a <strong>sample</strong> sentennce for Reading.</p>
<p id="htmlRead_Then_textWrite">This is a <strong>sample</strong> sentennce for Reading.</p>
<p id="textRead_Then_htmlWrite">This is a sample sentennce for Reading.</p>
<p id="textRead_Then_textWrite">This is a sample sentennce for Reading.</p>