ITerm 中的 Bash 键盘快捷键,如 Alt + d 和 Alt + f

工作中的每个人都向我推荐 iTerm2,而不是本地终端。但是 iTerm2似乎不允许我使用 bash 快捷方式,比如 Alt + B Alt + F在标记之间来回跳转,或者 Alt + D来删除一个单词。


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The Option key (the Mac name for the Alt key) by default has other uses. Press Command+O to open the list of profiles, select Default (I assume that is the profile you are using), and click "Edit Profiles...". In the resulting window, click on the "Keys" tab, and select "+Esc" for one or both option keys. This should cause iTerm to treat the Option key the way you are accustomed.

Alternatively, you can simply use the Escape key instead.

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