
有没有一种方法可以将后期依赖注入到已经引导的角模块中? 我的意思是:


// in app.js
var App = angular.module("App", []);


<html ng-app="App">


// in reports.js
var App = angular.module("App")
App.controller("ReportsController", ['$scope', function($scope) {
// .. reports controller code

现在,假设这些按需逻辑之一也需要它们自己的依赖项(如 ngTouchngAnimatengResource等)。如何将它们连接到基本应用程序?这似乎行不通:

// in reports.js
var App = angular.module("App", ['ui.event', 'ngResource']); // <-- raise error when App was already bootstrapped


// in app.js
var App = angular.module("App", ['ui.event', 'ngResource', 'ngAnimate', ...]);

或者单独定义每个模块,然后将所有内容注入主应用程序(看这里更多) :

// in reports.js
angular.module("Reports", ['ui.event', 'ngResource'])
.controller("ReportsController", ['$scope', function($scope) {
// .. reports controller code

// in home.js
angular.module("Home", ['ngAnimate'])
.controller("HomeController", ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http){
// ...

// in app.js, loaded last into the page (different for every page that varies in dependencies)
var App = angular.module("App", ['Reports', 'Home'])


我更喜欢在每个页面中包含基本的 app.js,并简单地在每个页面中引入所需的扩展(reports.jshome.js等) ,而不必在每次添加或删除某些内容时修改引导逻辑。


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According to this proposal on the Angular JS google group this functionality does not exist as of this moment. Hopefully the core team decides to add this functionality, could use it myself.

Simple... Get an instance of the module using the getter like this: var app = angular.module("App");

Then add to the "requires" collection like this: app.requires[app.requires.length] = "ngResource";

Anyway, this worked for me. GOOD LUCK!

I solved it like this:

reference the app again:

var app = angular.module('app');

then push your new requirements to the requirements array:


If you wish to add multiple dependencies at once, you can pass them in push as follows:

var app = angular.module('appName');
app.requires.push('dependencyCtrl1', 'dependencyService1');

I realize that this is an old question, however, no working answer has yet been provided, so I decided to share how I solved it.

The solution requires forking Angular, so you can't use CDN anymore. However the modification is very small, so I am surprised why this feature doesn't exist in Angular.

I followed the link to google groups that was provided in one of the other answers to this question. There I found the following code, which solved the issue:

instanceInjector.loadNewModules = function (mods) {
forEach(loadModules(mods), function(fn) { instanceInjector.invoke(fn || noop); });

When I added this code to line 4414 in the angular 1.5.0 source code (inside the createInjector function, before the return instanceInjector; statement), it enabled me to add dependencies after bootstrapping like this $injector.loadNewModules(['ngCookies']);.

Since version 1.6.7 it is now possible to lazy load modules after the app has been bootstrapped using $injector.loadNewModules([modules]). Below is an example taken from AngularJS documentation:

app.factory('loadModule', function($injector) {
return function loadModule(moduleName, bundleUrl) {
return getScript(bundleUrl).then(function() { $injector.loadNewModules([moduleName]); });

Please read full documentation about loadNewModules as there are some gotchas around it.

There's also a very good sample app by omkadiri using it with ui-router.