I found a way to find out how your provisioning profile is named. Select the profile that you want in the code sign section in the build settings, then open the selection view again and click on "other" at the bottom. Then occur a view with the naming of the current selected provisioning profile.
I wrote a simple bash script to get around this stupid problem. Pass in the path to a named copy of your provision (downloaded from developer.apple.com) and it will identify the matching GUID-renamed file in your provision library:
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
echo -e "\nUsage: $0 <myprovision>\n"
if [ ! -f "$1" ] ; then
echo -e "\nFile not found: $1\n"
provisionpath="$HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles"
provisions=$( ls "$provisionpath" )
for i in $provisions ; do
match=$( diff "$1" "$provisionpath/$i" )
if [ "$match" = "" ] ; then
echo -e "\nmatch: $provisionpath/$i\n"
cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/
for f in *.mobileprovision; do echo $f; openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in $f | grep -A1 application-identifier; done
Finding out which signing keys are used by a particular profile is harder to do with a shell one-liner. Basically you need to do:
openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in your-mobileprovision-filename
then cut-and-paste each block of base64 data after the DeveloperCertificates entry into its own file. You can then use:
xCode 6 allows you to right click on the provisioning profile under account -> detail (the screen shot you have there) & shows a popup "show in finder".
Select the team you want to view, and click View Details.
In the dialog that appears, view your signing identities and provisioning profiles. If a Create button appears next to a certificate, it hasn’t been created yet. If a Download button appears next to a provisioning profile, it’s not on your Mac.
Ten you can start context menu on each profile and click "Show in Finder" or "Move to Trash".