如何检索 android 的 sdk 版本?

如何以编程方式获得当前的 Android SDK版本(1.5、1.6、2.0等) ?

73241 次浏览

The String Build.VERSION.RELEASE will give you the user-visible version string (i.e 1.5, 1.6, 2.0), while Build.VERSION.SDK_INT will give you a value from Build.VERSION_CODES that would be better to use if you want to compare against it programatically.

  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

buf.append("VERSION.RELEASE {"+Build.VERSION.RELEASE+"}");
buf.append("\\nVERSION.SDK {"+Build.VERSION.SDK+"}");
buf.append("\\nBOARD {"+Build.BOARD+"}");
buf.append("\\nBRAND {"+Build.BRAND+"}");
buf.append("\\nDEVICE {"+Build.DEVICE+"}");
buf.append("\\nFINGERPRINT {"+Build.FINGERPRINT+"}");
buf.append("\\nHOST {"+Build.HOST+"}");
buf.append("\\nID {"+Build.ID+"}");
