How to turn on line numbers in IDLE?

在 IDLE 的主 shell 中,错误总是返回一个行号,但是开发环境甚至没有行号。有什么办法可以打开行号吗?

191357 次浏览


To show line numbers in the current window, go to Options and click Show Line Numbers.

要自动显示它们,请转到 Options > Configure IDLE > General并选中 Show line numbers in new windows框。


遗憾的是,虽然有一个 增强要求可用于 IDLE,但是没有显示行号的选项。


  1. 在编辑菜单下有一个转到行选项(这里有一个默认的 Alt + G 快捷方式)。

  2. 在右下角有一个显示屏,告诉你当前的行号/行上的位置:

enter image description here

There's a set of useful extensions to IDLE called IDLEX that works with MacOS and Windows

It includes line numbering and I find it quite handy & free.

除此之外,还有许多其他 IDE,其中一些是免费的:

如果您试图跟踪哪一行导致了错误,如果您在显示错误行的 Python shell 中右键单击,它将显示一个“ Go to file/line”,将您直接带到有问题的行。

正如达沃斯论坛所提到的,你可以使用 IDLEX

碰巧我正在使用 Linux 版本,并且从所有扩展中我只需要 LineNumbers。所以我下载了 IDLEX 归档文件,从中获取了,将其复制到 Python 的 lib 文件夹(在我的例子中是/usr/lib/python3.5/idlelib) ,并在我的主文件夹中的配置文件中添加了以下行,即 ~/. idlerc/config- 扩展名. cfg:

enable = 1
enable_shell = 0
visible = True

linenumbers-show =

就像@Stahl靓鼠已经回答的那样。我想为它添加另一种方法。有 Python 默认空闲编辑器 Python 扩展包的扩展包。

正如上面提到的(一个快速的方法来做到这一点) :

pip install IDLEX

Then I create a shortcut on Desktop (Win10) like this:

C:\Python\Python37\pythonw.exe "C:\Python\Python37\Scripts\idlex.pyw"




Line numbers were added to the IDLE editor two days ago and will appear in the upcoming 3.8.0a3 and later 3.7.5. For new windows, they are off by default, but this can be reversed on the Setting dialog, General tab, Editor section. For existing windows, there is a new Show (Hide) Line Numbers entry on the Options menu. There is currently no hotkey. One can select a line or bloc of lines by clicking on a line or clicking and dragging.

Some people may have missed Edit / Go to Line. The right-click context menu Goto File/Line works on grep (Find in Files) output as well as on trackbacks.