class RelatedList < ActiveRecord::Base
extend Enumerize
enumerize :list_type, in: %w(groups projects)
belongs_to :content
has_many :contents, :order => :position
I have this model in my rails app which throws warning when I try to create records in console.
DEPRECATION WARNING: The following options in your RelatedList.has_many :contents declaration are deprecated: :order. Please use a scope block instead. For example, the following: has_many :spam_comments, conditions: { spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment' should be rewritten as the following: has_many :spam_comments, -> { where spam: true }, class_name: 'Comment' . (called from at /Users/shivam/Code/auroville/avorg/app/models/related_list.rb:7)
It seems like Rails 4 has new :order syntax for use in models but I can't seem to find the documentation in Rails Guides.