Windows does not come with a command-line zip program, despite Windows Explorer natively supporting Zip files since the Plus! pack for Windows 98.
I recommend the open-source 7-Zip utility which includes a command-line executable and supports many different archive file types, especially its own *.7z format which offers superior compression ratios to traditional (PKZIP) *.zip files:
Open a new command-prompt window and use this command to create a PKZIP *.zip file:
7z a -tzip {} {yourfolder}
Cross-platform Java:
If you have the Java JDK installed then you can use the jar utility to create Zip files, as *.jar files are essentially just renamed *.zip (PKZIP) files:
jar -cfM {} {yourfolder}
* -c compress
* -f specify filename
* -M do not include a MANIFEST file
Nothing listed here worked with me. This should be a very simple thing. I post my answer here, if anything because each time I search for "how to zip on the cmd window" I end up on this page, with no solution that works for me.
So here is the one that works with me: zip output_file input_files, as in the screenshot below.