Make element unclickable (click things behind it)

I have a fixed image that overlays a page when the user is in the act of scrolling a touch screen (mobile).

I want to make that image "unclickable" or "inactive" or whatever, so that if a user touches and drags from that image, the page behind it still scrolls as if the image weren't there "blocking" the interaction.

Is this possible? If need be, I could try to provide screen shots exemplifying what I mean.


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Setting CSS - pointer-events: none should remove any mouse interaction with the image. Supported pretty well in all but IE.

下面是 pointer-events可以接受的值的完整列表

CSS 指针事件是您想要查看的内容。在您的示例中,将指针事件设置为“ none”。 看看这个 JSFiddle 的例子... < a href = “”>


div.child {
background: #fff;
pointer-events: none //This line is the key!

如果你想使用 JavaScript:

document.getElementById("x").style.pointerEvents = "none";
<a href="" id="x" />Unclickable Google Link</a>
<a href="" id="" />Clickable Google Link</a>

This is CSS tutorial(the easiest):

pointer-events: none;
<button id="button">Unclickable!</button> <!-- The element -->