当尝试使用 Eclipse 颠覆性插件提交时,获取“ CHECKOUT 只能在版本资源上执行”

我在 Mac 10.7.5、 SVN 1.7和 Eclipse Subversive 插件上使用 Eclipse Juno。偶尔,当我尝试从我的项目中提交更改时(通过右键单击包资源管理器中的项目,选择“ Team”-> “ Commit”) ,我会得到错误:

Some of selected resources were not committed.
Some of selected resources were not committed.
svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):

svn: E200007: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E200007: CHECKOUT can only be performed on a version resource [at this time].
svn: E175002: CHECKOUT request failed on '/svn/subco-digital.coderepo/!svn/rvr/2110/trunk/myproject/src/main/java/org/mainco/subco/myproject/validator/UserFormValidator.java'

I have verified that I have checked out the latest version of my project. How can I take care of these repeated errors?

73278 次浏览

这很可能是您的控制台 SVN 版本与 Eclipse“ SVNKIT (Pure Java)”版本不同,您可以使用“ JavaHL (JNI)”更改 Preferences = > Team = > SVN = > SVN interface = > Client

我的例子如下,使用 JavaHL1.7.10是可以的,但是使用 SVNKITv1.7.9会有问题

wuliang-Mac:src wwu$ svn --version
svn, version 1.7.10 (r1485443)
compiled Jul  9 2013, 12:55:03

enter image description here

SVNKit 中的 窃听器报告具有相同的错误。


右键点击 project-> team-> cleanup / refresh


如果您将 SVN 附加组件与 Eclipse 或 IntelliJIDEA 和 delete some files our of it (from system's file browser一起使用,那么您也将得到这条消息。

我能够在 IDEA 中解决这个问题的唯一方法是通过外部 SVN 工具提交更改,然后重新打开 IDE 并签出更改。在那之后,我能够提交没有这样的错误。

In my case, project -> team -> cleanup / refresh worked for one of the files but not the other. Simply copy the command that failed from svn console on eclipse and run it in console with "svn" prefix works for me. So the syntax is:

svn commit -m "comment" -N /path/to/file

当服务器升级 svn 版本时遇到此问题。

对于 主意 智能用户,我们需要做的是

  1. 在左侧的项目面板中选择项目根目录
  2. 在顶部菜单中,选择 VCS -> Subversion -> Cleanup

Now you should be able to checkin/out.

As I commented in 其他职位...

对于那些 project-> team-> cleanup在 Eclipse 中不起作用的人,可以试试:

  • 使用 SVN Tortoise 强制清理
  • 用命令 svn cleanup /folder_to_cleanup从终端

@ Wu Liang asnwer 为我工作,但我不得不去 Preferences=>Team=>SVN=>SVN Connectors=>Native JavaHL


enter image description here


enter image description here


svn cleanup

Team-> Refresh/Cleaup from IDE 我不喜欢。

For whomever is using SmartSVN (in MacOS) and Eclipse, if after clean up at Eclipse using the accepted 回答 is still not working, you may try to clean up at SmartSVN, top menu -> Modify -> Clean Up....