如何确定一个对象是否被锁定(同步) ,以避免在 Java 中被阻塞?

我有一个进程 A,它在内存中包含一个表和一组记录(record A、 record B 等等)

现在,这个进程可以启动许多影响记录的线程,有时我们可以有2个线程尝试访问同一记录-这种情况必须拒绝。具体来说,如果一条记录被一个线程锁定,我希望另一个线程中止(我不希望 BLOCK 或 WAIT)。



但是这给我带来了问题... ... 因为当 Process1执行操作时,如果 Process2进入,它将阻塞/等待同步语句,当 Process1完成时,它将执行操作。相反,我想要这样的东西:

if (record is locked)


有什么线索吗? 如果你能帮忙,我将不胜感激。 谢谢,

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Take a look at the Lock objects introduced in the Java 5 concurrency packages.


Lock lock = new ReentrantLock()
if (lock.tryLock()) {
try {
// do stuff using the lock...
finally {

The ReentrantLock object is essentially doing the same thing as the traditional synchronized mechanism, but with more functionality.

EDIT: As Jon has noted, the isLocked() method tells you at that instant, and thereafter that information is out of date. The tryLock() method will give more reliable operation (note you can use this with a timeout as well)

EDIT #2: Example now includes tryLock()/unlock() for clarity.

One thing to note is that the instant you receive such information, it's stale. In other words, you could be told that no-one has the lock, but then when you try to acquire it, you block because another thread took out the lock between the check and you trying to acquire it.

Brian is right to point at Lock, but I think what you really want is its tryLock method:

Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
if (lock.tryLock())
// Got the lock
// Process record
// Make sure to unlock so that we don't cause a deadlock
// Someone else had the lock, abort

You can also call tryLock with an amount of time to wait - so you could try to acquire it for a tenth of a second, then abort if you can't get it (for example).

(I think it's a pity that the Java API doesn't - as far as I'm aware - provide the same functionality for the "built-in" locking, as the Monitor class does in .NET. Then again, there are plenty of other things I dislike in both platforms when it comes to threading - every object potentially having a monitor, for example!)

While the Lock answers are very good, I thought I'd post an alternative using a different data structure. Essentially, your various threads want to know which records are locked and which aren't. One way to do this is to keep track of the locked records and make sure that data structure has the right atomic operations for adding records to the locked set.

I will use CopyOnWriteArrayList as an example because it's less "magic" for illustration. CopyOnWriteArraySet is a more appropriate structure. If you have lots and lots of records locked at the same time on average then there may be performance implications with these implementations. A properly synchronized HashSet would work too and locks are brief.

Basically, usage code would look like this:

CopyOnWriteArrayList<Record> lockedRecords = ....
if (!lockedRecords.addIfAbsent(record))
return; // didn't get the lock, record is already locked

try {
// Do the record stuff
finally {

It keeps you from having to manage a lock per record and provides a single place should clearing all locks be necessary for some reason. On the other hand, if you ever have more than a handful of records then a real HashSet with synchronization may do better since the add/remove look-ups will be O(1) instead of linear.

Just a different way of looking at things. Just depends on what your actual threading requirements are. Personally, I would use a Collections.synchronizedSet( new HashSet() ) because it will be really fast... the only implication is that threads may yield when they otherwise wouldn't have.

Whilst the above approach using a Lock object is the best way to do it, if you have to be able to check for locking using a monitor, it can be done. However, it does come with a health warning as the technique isn't portable to non Oracle Java VMs and it may break in future VM versions as it isn't a supported public API.

Here is how to do it:

private static sun.misc.Unsafe getUnsafe() {
try {
Field field = sun.misc.Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
return (Unsafe) field.get(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

public void doSomething() {
Object record = new Object();
sun.misc.Unsafe unsafe = getUnsafe();
if (unsafe.tryMonitorEnter(record)) {
try {
// record is locked - perform operations on it
} finally {
} else {
// could not lock record

My advice would be to use this approach only if you cannot refactor your code to use java.util.concurrent Lock objects for this and if you are running on an Oracle VM.

I found this, we can use Thread.holdsLock(Object obj) to check if an object is locked:

Returns true if and only if the current thread holds the monitor lock on the specified object.

Note that Thread.holdsLock() returns false if the lock is held by something and the calling thread isn't the thread that holds the lock.

Another workaround is (in case of you didnt have chance with the answers given here )is using timeouts. i.e. below one will return null after 1 second hanging:

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
//create a callable for the thread
Future<String> futureTask = executor.submit(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
return myObject.getSomething();

try {
return futureTask.get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
//object is already locked check exception type
return null;

Thanks for this, it helped me out solving a race condition. I changed it a little to wear both belt and suspenders.

So here is my suggestion for AN IMPROVEMENT of the accepted answer:

You can ensure that you get safe access to the tryLock() method by doing something like this:

  Lock localLock = new ReentrantLock();

private void threadSafeCall() {
boolean isUnlocked = false;

synchronized(localLock) {
isUnlocked = localLock.tryLock();

if (isUnlocked) {
try {
finally {
} else {

This would avoid the situation where you might get two calling tryLock() at the almost same time, causing the return to be potentially doubt full. I'd like to now if I'm wrong, I might be over cautios here. But hey! My gig is stable now :-)..

Read more on my development issues at my Blog.

I needed to also find a solution to this, so searched the Java Concurrency API and came across StampedLock. The project is using Java 8. I am working in a heavily-threaded asynchronous data service that communicates with a native library and contains long-living configuration objects, necessitating sometimes-complex concurrency logic; thankfully this turned out to be relatively simple with the StampedLock class.

StampedLock has a method called tryOptimisticRead which does not wait, it just returns the status in the form of a long-time time stamp, where zero (0) indicates an exclusive lock is held. I then do delay for up to a second but you could just use the function without any sort of delay.

Here's how I'm detecting whether or not there's an exclusive lock, this paradigm is used in multiple locations and includes error handling:

    int delayCount = 0;

//Makes sure that if there is data being written to this field at
// this moment, wait until the operation is finished writing the
// updated data.
while (data1StampedLock.tryOptimisticRead() == 0)
delayCount += 1;
catch (InterruptedException e)
logError("Interrupted while waiting for the write lock to be
released!", e);

//There may be an issue with the JVM if this occurs, treat
// it like we might crash and try to release the write lock.

if (delayCount * WRITE_LOCK_SHORT_DELAY > TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1))
logWarningWithAlert("Something is holding a write lock on" +
" the data for a very, very long time (>1s). This may" +
" indicate a problem that could cause cascading" +
" problems in the near future." +
" Also, the value for the data that is about to be" +
" retrieved could potentially be invalid.");

long nonExclusiveLockStamp = data1StampedLock.readLock();
Data data1NonVolatile = data1;

return data1NonVolatile;

The read locks on a StampedLock are non-exclusive and are like reading from a thread-safe Map or HashTable, where it is multi-read/single-write.

Here is how I am using the exclusive lock to communicate to other threads that the instance data is being written to:

    long d1LockStamp = data1StampedLock.writeLock();
this.data1 = data1;

So if you wanted to only check whether or not something is locked at any given moment, you need only something simple like the following statement to get the status:

    boolean data1IsLocked = data1StampedLock.tryOptimisticRead() == 0;

Then check the value of that boolean.

There are, of course, the caveats and Here Be Dragons information mentioned in other answers (namely that the information is immediately stale), but if you really need to lock something and check that lock from another thread, this seemed to me to be the most reasonable, safe, and effective way that uses the java.util.concurrency package with no external dependencies.