What does WISC (stack) mean?

LAMP is a well-known acronym for the software/technology bundle/stack representing Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. There are a few passing references on the Web that use the acronym WISC to speak of the other (supposedly Microsoft-centric) software/technology bundle/stack in contrast to LAMP. There is, however, no Wikipedia entry on WISC at this time nor any relevant results from googling. Does the following seem like the right de-composition of the WISC acronym?

If yes, is there a Web reference that coins the WISC acronym? If no, is there another acronym used to represent the Microsoft-centric stack when comparing with LAMP?

P.S. First sighting of WISC at “ASP.NET Caching vs. memcached: Seeking Efficient Data Partitioning, Lookup, and Retrieval”.

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这看起来是正确的,虽然我会把它叫做 WISN (Wizzen)。而不是一个特定的语言内。NET 生态圈。

The best one is:

FreeBSD 阿帕奇人 PostgreSQL Ruby (FAPper)/Perl/PHP (FAPP!) ...

或者 WISA: Windows, IIS, SQL Server, ASP.net

I don't know why anyone would want to call it WISC, as these people are essentially saying "We will never ever use VB.NET, IronPython, IronRuby, F# or any other .NET Language". Also calling it .NET (WISN) sounds a bit weird as well, since ASP.NET is the Web-Technology of .NET. But well, that's the good things about acronyms and standard. Everyone has its own.

If you're asking for something more-or-less like LAMP except it runs on Windows, 我经常看到

  • WAMP (Windows、 Apache、 MySQL 和 PHP)
  • 因特网信息服务(Internet Information Services) ; MSSQLServer 或 MSAccess; PHP、 Perl 或 Python)。

On a completely unrelated topic,

当我使用术语“ WISC”时,我总是谈论一些 WISC (可写指令集计算机)设计,例如 Intel 至强(Xeon)。其中许多是“堆栈计算机”(堆栈机)。 也许最著名的是 WISC CPU/16和由 菲利普 · 库普曼,每个设计都是一台“堆栈计算机”设计的 WISC CPU/32(与“内存到内存机器”或“ RISC”或“累加器机器”相反)。