查看生成网页源代码的最佳方式? ?

我正在寻找一个工具,将给我适当的生成源,包括 DOM 的变化,由 AJAX 请求输入到 W3的验证程序。我试过以下方法:

  1. Web Developer Toolbar -根据 doc 类型生成无效源(例如,它删除了标记的自闭部分)。丢失页面的 doctype 部分。
  2. Firebug -修复源代码中的潜在缺陷(例如未关闭的标记)。也丢失了 doctype 部分的标签和注入的控制台本身是无效的 HTML。
  3. IE Developer Toolbar-根据 doc 类型生成无效的源代码(例如,它使所有标签都为大写,而不是 XHTML 规范)。
  4. 高亮 + 查看选择源-经常难以获得整个页面,也排除文档类型。

有没有什么程序或附加组件可以给我源代码的确切当前版本,而不需要以某种方式修复或更改它?到目前为止,Firebug 似乎是最好的,但我担心它可能会修复我的一些错误。


事实证明,正如贾斯汀所解释的那样,我想要的东西并没有确切的解决方案。最好的解决方案似乎是验证 Firebug 控制台内的源代码,即使它将包含一些由 Firebug 引起的错误。我还要感谢被遗忘的分号解释了为什么“查看生成的源代码”与实际的源代码不匹配。如果我能给出两个最佳答案,我会的。

105270 次浏览

[updating in response to more details in the edited question]

The problem you're running into is that, once a page is modified by ajax requests, the current HTML exists only inside the browser's DOM-- there's no longer any independent source HTML that you can validate other than what you can pull out of the DOM.

As you've observed, IE's DOM stores tags in upper case, fixes up unclosed tags, and makes lots of other alterations to the HTML it got originally. This is because browsers are generally very good at taking HTML with problems (e.g. unclosed tags) and fixing up those problems to display something useful to the user. Once the HTML has been canonicalized by IE, the original source HTML is essentially lost from the DOM's perspective, as far as I know.

Firefox most likley makes fewer of these changes, so Firebug is probably your better bet.

A final (and more labor-intensive) option may work for pages with simple ajax alterations, e.g. fetching some HTML from the server and importing this into the page inside a particular element. In that case, you can use fiddler or similar tool to manually stitch together the original HTML with the Ajax HTML. This is probably more trouble than it's worth, and is error prone, but it's one more possibility.

[Original response here to the original question]

Fiddler (http://www.fiddlertool.com/) is a free, browser-independent tool which works very well to fetch the exact HTML received by a browser. It shows you exact bytes on the wire as well as decoded/unzipped/etc content which you can feed into any HTML analysis tool. It also shows headers, timings, HTTP status, and lots of other good stuff.

You can also use fiddler to copy and rebuild requests if you want to test how a server responds to slightly different headers.

Fiddler works as a proxy server, sitting in between your browser and the website, and logs traffic going both ways.

In the Web Developer Toolbar, have you tried the Tools -> Validate HTML or Tools -> Validate Local HTML options?

The Validate HTML option sends the url to the validator, which works well with publicly facing sites. The Validate Local HTML option sends the current page's HTML to the validator, which works well with pages behind a login, or those that aren't publicly accessible.

You may also want to try View Source Chart (also as FireFox add-on). An interesting note there:

Q. Why does View Source Chart change my XHTML tags to HTML tags?

A. It doesn't. The browser is making these changes, VSC merely displays what the browser has done with your code. Most common: self closing tags lose their closing slash (/). See this article on Rendered Source for more information (archive.org).

Using the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/60)

Just go to View Source -> View Generated Source

I use it all the time for the exact same thing.

If you load the document in Chrome, the Developer|Elements view will show you the HTML as fiddled by your JS code. It's not directly HTML text and you have to open (unfold) any elements of interest, but you effectively get to inspect the generated HTML.

Justin is dead on. The key point here is that HTML is just a language for describing a document. Once the browser reads it, it's gone. Open tags, close tags, and formatting are all taken care of by the parser and then go away. Any tool that shows you HTML is generating it based on the contents of the document, so it will always be valid.

I had to explain this to another web developer once, and it took a little while for him to accept it.

You can try it for yourself in any JavaScript console:

el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = "<p>Some text<P>More text";
el.innerHTML; // <p>Some text</p><p>More text</p>

The un-closed tags and uppercase tag names are gone, because that HTML was parsed and discarded after the second line.

The right way to modify the document from JavaScript is with document methods (createElement, appendChild, setAttribute, etc.) and you'll observe that there's no reference to tags or HTML syntax in any of those functions. If you're using document.write, innerHTML, or other HTML-speaking calls to modify your pages, the only way to validate it is to catch what you're putting into them and validate that HTML separately.

That said, the simplest way to get at the HTML representation of the document is this:


Why not type this is the urlbar?


Only thing i found is the BetterSource extension for Safari this will show you the manipulated source of the document only downside is nothing remotely like it for Firefox

I know this is an old post, but I just found this piece of gold. This is old (2006), but still works with IE9. I personnally added a bookmark with this.

Just copy paste this in your browser's address bar:


As for firefox, web developper tool bar does the job. I usually use this, but sometimes, some dirty 3rd party asp.net controls generates differents markups based on the user agent...


As Bryan pointed in the comment, some browser remove the javascript: part when copy/pasting in url bar. I just tested and that's the case with IE10.

I had the same problem, and I've found here a solution:


So, to use Crowbar, the tool from here:

http://simile.mit.edu/wiki/Crowbar (now (2015-12) 404s)
wayback machine link:

It gave me the faulty, invalid HTML.

In Firefox, just ctrl-a (select everything on the screen) then right click "View Selection Source". This captures any changes made by JavaScript to the DOM.

I think IE dev tools (F12) has; View > Source > DOM (Page)

You would need to copy and paste the DOM and save it to send to the validator.

The below javascript code snippet will get you the complete ajax rendered HTML generated source. Browser independent one. Enjoy :)

function outerHTML(node){
// if IE, Chrome take the internal method otherwise build one as lower versions of firefox
//does not support element.outerHTML property
return node.outerHTML || (
var div = document.createElement('div'), h;
div.appendChild( n.cloneNode(true) );
h = div.innerHTML;
div = null;
return h;

var outerhtml = outerHTML(document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]);
var node = document.doctype;
var doctypestring="";
// IE8 and below does not have document.doctype and you will get null if you access it.

doctypestring = "<!DOCTYPE "
+ node.name
+ (node.publicId ? ' PUBLIC "' + node.publicId + '"' : '')
+ (!node.publicId && node.systemId ? ' SYSTEM' : '')
+ (node.systemId ? ' "' + node.systemId + '"' : '')
+ '>';


// for IE8 and below you can access doctype like this

doctypestring = document.all[0].text;
doctypestring +outerhtml ;

This is an old question, and here's an old answer that has once worked flawlessly for me for many years, but doesn't any more, at least not as of January 2016:

The "Generated Source" bookmarklet from SquareFree does exactly what you want -- and, unlike the otherwise fine "old gold" from @Johnny5, displays as source code (rather than being rendered normally by the browser, at least in the case of Google Chrome on Mac):


Unfortunately, it behaves just like the "old gold" from @Johnny5: it does not show up as source code any more. Sorry.


In the elements tab, right click the html node > copy > copy element - then paste into an editor.

As has been mentioned above, once the source has been converted into a DOM tree, the original source no longer exists in the browser. Any changes you make will be to the DOM, not the source.

However, you can parse the modified DOM back into HTML, letting you see the "generated source".

  1. In Chrome, open the developer tools and click the elements tab.
  2. Right click the HTML element.
  3. Choose copy > copy element.
  4. Paste into an editor.

You can now see the current DOM as an HTML page.

This is not the full DOM

Note that the DOM cannot be fully represented by an HTML document. This is because the DOM has many more properties than the HTML has attributes. However this will do a reasonable job.

I was able to solve a similar issue by logging the results of the ajax call to the console. This was the html returned and I could easily see any issues that it had.

in my .done() function of my ajax call I added console.log(results) so I could see the html in the debugger console.

function GetReversals() {

url: '/Home/LookupReversals',
data: $("#LookupReversals").serialize(),
type: 'Post',
cache: false
}).done(function (result) {
}).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//alert("There was a problem getting results.  Please try again. " + jqXHR.responseText + " | " + jqXHR.statusText);
$("#reversalResults").html("<div class='text-danger'>" + jqXHR.responseText + "</div>");
}).always(function () {