在 VisualStudio 中搜索时仅包括某些文件类型

通常,当我想在 Visual Studio 中搜索我的代码时,我知道我要找的东西在某些 C # 代码中。但是,因为我在 JavaScript 文件中使用了相同的变量名,所以我也必须遍历所有这些搜索结果。如果我要查找的文本也用在我们带入项目的第三方 JavaScript 库中,情况就更糟了: 这可能会导致数百个搜索结果。

为了使事情更复杂,我们的设计师在同一个项目中包含了页面的 HTML 模型,所以我经常发现我在那里也搜索到了大量的搜索结果。

我想我真正想看到的是。C.Aspx 和。Ascx 文件,但不是。JS 或者。嗯。


  • 只搜索特定类型的文件(只搜索.cs 文件)。
  • 只搜索任何给定类型的文件(仅搜索. cs、 . aspx 和. ascx 文件)。
  • 搜索所有的文件类型,除了一个特定的类型(搜索除了.js 以外的所有内容)。


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In the Find in Files dialog (Ctrl+Shift+F), there should be a field called Find Options. You should be able to enter the extensions of fields you want to search in a field in this dialog:

*.cs; *.aspx; *.ascx;

In the Find dialog box, go to "find options->Look at these file types".

Type in you own string, eg, *.cs, *.aspx, *.ascx. The click the "find all" button.

Instead of Ctrl + F, I think it is Ctrl + Shift + F which gives you the choice to specify file types, you wish to look into.

I like to exclude js files by using the following search: *.a*;*.cs*;

Most of the times, I end up searching for stuff in aspx, cs, cshtml files so this is quite helpful. Notice how I use *.cs* instead of *.c* since the latter would select jquery custom files such as jquery.custom1234.js (which I usually use in most of my projects), of course if you don't you could just use *.c*.

enter image description here

You can choose file types from default or type your own. Regular expressions available for complex search.

Another way to limit file searches is by only choosing certain folder sets.

Setting folder sets for search