IOS Facebook SDK-张贴打开图表并在时间轴上显示,而不需要单击活动日志

从 Facebook SDK 示例代码中,当成功地将打开的图形对象发布到时间轴上时,您必须在 Facebook 网站的 活动日志中单击 时间线上的节目

如何忽略这些步骤并显式地共享您的 OG 到时间轴?

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You can use Scocial.framework for to directy post on facebook. It just use users built in facebook account associated with ios. And you will be able to post on timeline.

I've moved this answer out of @isaacselement question.

Just add one more code to your FBOpenGraphAction Object:

id<FBOpenGraphAction> action = (id<FBOpenGraphAction>) [FBGraphObject graphObject];
[action setObject: @"true" forKey: @"fb:explicitly_shared"];  // This is the key point!

And you should enable the 'explicitly shared' setting for the open graph action in the Facebook Developer App Dashboard in the website.

For more details, look at the Document about Explicit Sharing