string input = "super exemple of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string";
var match = Regex.Match(input, @"key : (.+?)-").Groups[1].Value;
var start = input.IndexOf("key : ") + 6;
var match2 = input.Substring(start, input.IndexOf("-") - start);
String St = "super exemple of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string";
int pFrom = St.IndexOf("key : ") + "key : ".Length;
int pTo = St.LastIndexOf(" - ");
String result = St.Substring(pFrom, pTo - pFrom);
public static class StringExtensions {
/// <summary>
/// takes a substring between two anchor strings (or the end of the string if that anchor is null)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="this">a string</param>
/// <param name="from">an optional string to search after</param>
/// <param name="until">an optional string to search before</param>
/// <param name="comparison">an optional comparison for the search</param>
/// <returns>a substring based on the search</returns>
public static string Substring(this string @this, string from = null, string until = null, StringComparison comparison = StringComparison.InvariantCulture)
var fromLength = (from ?? string.Empty).Length;
var startIndex = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(from)
? @this.IndexOf(from, comparison) + fromLength
: 0;
if (startIndex < fromLength) { throw new ArgumentException("from: Failed to find an instance of the first anchor"); }
var endIndex = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(until)
? @this.IndexOf(until, startIndex, comparison)
: @this.Length;
if (endIndex < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("until: Failed to find an instance of the last anchor"); }
var subString = @this.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
return subString;
// usage:
var between = "a - to keep x more stuff".Substring(from: "-", until: "x");
// returns " to keep "
string str="super exemple of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string";
int startIndex = str.IndexOf("key") + "key".Length;
int endIndex = str.IndexOf("-");
string newString = str.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
string value = "super exemple of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string";
Regex regex = new Regex(@"(key \: (.*?) _ )");
Match match = regex.Match(value);
if (match.Success)
string str = "super example of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string";
string res = new string(str.SkipWhile(c => c != ':')
.TakeWhile(c => c != '-')
Console.WriteLine(res); // text I want to keep
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
var value =
"super exemple of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string",
"key : (.*) - ")
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Test
public static void Main()
var value =
"super exemple of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string"
"key : ",
" - ");
public static class Ext
static string Between(this string source, string left, string right)
return Regex.Match(
string.Format("{0}(.*){1}", left, right))
string input;
string output;
input = "super example of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string";
output = input.Split(new char[] { ':', '-' })[1];
public static string GetStringBetween(this string token, string first, string second)
if (!token.Contains(first)) return "";
var afterFirst = token.Split(new[] { first }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];
if (!afterFirst.Contains(second)) return "";
var result = afterFirst.Split(new[] { second }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
return result;
var token = "super exemple of string key : text I want to keep - end of my string";
var keyValue = token.GetStringBetween("key : ", " - ");
using System;
using System.Linq;
class OneLiner
static void Main()
string s = "TextHereTisImortant973End"; //Between "eT" and "97"
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(s.IndexOf("eT") + "eT".Length)
In C# 8.0 and above, you can use the range operator .. as in
var s = "header-THE_TARGET_STRING.7z";
var from = s.IndexOf("-") + "-".Length;
var to = s.IndexOf(".7z");
var versionString = s[]; // THE_TARGET_STRING
(?<= : begin a positive lookbehind
\bPP\b : match 'PP'
) : end positive lookbehind
(?: : begin a non-capture group
(?! : begin a negative lookahead
\bFF\b : match 'FF'
) : end negative lookahead
. : match any character
) : end non-capture group
* : execute non-capture group 0+ times
(?= : begin positive lookahead
\bFF\b : match 'FF'
) : end positive lookahead