var catTask = FeedCat();
var houseTask = SellHouse();
var carTask = BuyCar();
var cat = await catTask;
var house = await houseTask;
var car = await carTask;
var catTask = FeedCat();
var houseTask = SellHouse();
var carTask = BuyCar();
await Task.WhenAll(catTask, houseTask, carTask);
var cat = await catTask;
var house = await houseTask;
var car = await carTask;
var catTask = FeedCat();
var houseTask = SellHouse();
var carTask = BuyCar();
await Task.WhenAll(catTask, houseTask, carTask);
Cat cat = await catTask;
House house = await houseTask;
Car car = await carTask;
var tCat = FeedCat();
var tHouse = SellHouse();
var tCar = BuyCar();
await Task.WhenAll(tCat, tHouse, tCar);
Cat cat = await tCat;
House house = await tHouse;
Tesla car = await tCar;
//as they have all definitely finished, you could also use Task.Value.
Task<string> DoTheThings() {
Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
Task<House> y = SellHouse();
Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();
// what here?
Task.WhenAll(x, y, z);
async Task<string> DoTheThings() {
Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
Task<House> y = SellHouse();
Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();
await Task.WhenAll(x, y, z);
// presumably we want to do something with the results...
return DoWhatever(x.Result, y.Result, z.Result);
async Task<string> DoTheThings() {
Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
Task<House> y = SellHouse();
Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();
// do something with the results...
return DoWhatever(await x, await y, await z);
Task<string> DoTheThings() {
Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
Task<House> y = SellHouse();
Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();
if(x.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion &&
y.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion &&
z.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
return Task.FromResult(
DoWhatever(a.Result, b.Result, c.Result));
// we can safely access .Result, as they are known
// to be ran-to-completion
return Awaited(x, y, z);
async Task Awaited(Task<Cat> a, Task<House> b, Task<Tesla> c) {
return DoWhatever(await x, await y, await z);
Task<string> DoTheThings() {
async Task<string> Awaited(Task<Cat> a, Task<House> b, Task<Tesla> c) {
return DoWhatever(await a, await b, await c);
Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
Task<House> y = SellHouse();
Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();
if(x.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion &&
y.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion &&
z.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
return Task.FromResult(
DoWhatever(a.Result, b.Result, c.Result));
// we can safely access .Result, as they are known
// to be ran-to-completion
return Awaited(x, y, z);
prefer ValueTask<T> to Task<T> if there is a good chance of things ever completely synchronously with many different return values:
ValueTask<string> DoTheThings() {
async ValueTask<string> Awaited(ValueTask<Cat> a, Task<House> b, Task<Tesla> c) {
return DoWhatever(await a, await b, await c);
ValueTask<Cat> x = FeedCat();
ValueTask<House> y = SellHouse();
ValueTask<Tesla> z = BuyCar();
if(x.IsCompletedSuccessfully &&
y.IsCompletedSuccessfully &&
return new ValueTask<string>(
DoWhatever(a.Result, b.Result, c.Result));
// we can safely access .Result, as they are known
// to be ran-to-completion
return Awaited(x, y, z);
if possible, prefer IsCompletedSuccessfully to Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion; this now exists in .NET Core for Task, and everywhere for ValueTask<T>
var catTask = FeedCat();
var houseTask = SellHouse();
var carTask = BuyCar();
await Task.WhenAll(catTask, houseTask, carTask);
var cat = await catTask;
var house = await houseTask;
var car = await carTask;
var catTask = FeedCat();
var houseTask = SellHouse();
var carTask = BuyCar();
var cat = await catTask;
var house = await houseTask;
var car = await carTask;
System.AggregateException: A Task's exception(s) were not observed either by Waiting on the Task or accessing its Exception property. As a result, the unobserved exception was rethrown by the finalizer thread. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Web.ThreadContext.AssociateWithCurrentThread(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.OnThreadEnterPrivate(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.System.Web.Util.ISyncContext.Enter()
at System.Web.Util.SynchronizationHelper.SafeWrapCallback(Action action)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Web.ThreadContext.AssociateWithCurrentThread(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.OnThreadEnterPrivate(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.System.Web.Util.ISyncContext.Enter()
at System.Web.Util.SynchronizationHelper.SafeWrapCallback(Action action)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()<---
对于. net 4.0及更高版本,您可以使用TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException捕获未观察到的异常。对于。net 4.5及以后的版本,未观察到的异常将被默认接受,而对于。net 4.0,未观察到的异常将使您的进程崩溃。
public async Task<(Task<Cat>, Task<House>, Task<Tesla>)> FeedCatSellHouseBuyCar()
Task<Cat> task1 = FeedCat();
Task<House> task2 = SellHouse();
Task<Tesla> task3 = BuyCar();
// All three tasks are launched at this point.
try { await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { }
// All three tasks are completed at this point.
return (task1, task2, task3);
var (catTask, houseTask, teslaTask) = await FeedCatSellHouseBuyCar();
// All three tasks are completed at this point.
if (catTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
Console.WriteLine($"{catTask.Result.Name} is eating her healthy meal.");
Console.WriteLine("Your cat is starving!");
if (houseTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
Console.WriteLine($"Your house at {houseTask.Result.Address} was sold. You are now rich and homeless!");
Console.WriteLine("You are still the poor owner of your house.");
if (teslaTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
Console.WriteLine($"You are now the owner a battery-powered {teslaTask.Result.Name}.");
Console.WriteLine("You are still driving a Hyundai.");
带有空catch的try块是必需的,因为. net 7仍然没有提供正确的方法到await一个任务,而不会在取消或失败的情况下抛出。