My point is, go ahead and download the source files and then see how they have implemented the spinner. They might have used a little better aproach. So, checkout this project.
You can have multiple loading spinners on the page. where and how to layout those spinners is up to you and directive will simply turn it on/off for you automatically.
As the whole process is documented in a well written 博客文章, I'm not going to repeat that here again. Please refer to that article to come up with your needed implementation.
function MyCtrl($http, User) {
//using $http
this.isBusy = $http.get('...');
//if you have a User class based on $resource
this.isBusy = User.$save();
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($document) {
return {
'request': function(config) {
// here ajax start
// here we can for example add some class or show somethin
return config;
'response': function(response) {
// here ajax ends
//here we should remove classes added on request start
return response;
Code has to be added in application config app.config. I showed how to change mouse on loading state but in there it is possible to show/hide any loader content, or add, remove some css classes which are showing the loader.
In the 表演 variable pass 没错 when any promise is running and make that 假的 when request is completed.
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