这里有些黑客代码。我想在 超文本标示语言页面中维护一个行模板。表行0... n 在请求时呈现,此示例有一个硬编码行和一个简化的模板行。模板表是隐藏的,行标记必须位于有效的表中,否则浏览器可能会从 DOM树中删除它。添加行使用计数器 + 1标识符,当前值在 data 属性中维护。它保证每一行获得唯一的 网址参数。
我已经在 Internet Explorer 8、 Internet Explorer 9、火狐、 Chrome、 Opera、 诺基亚 Lumia 800、 诺基亚 C7(使用 塞班3)、安卓股票和火狐 beta 浏览器上运行了测试。
<table id="properties">
<th> </th>
<td nowrap>key1</td>
<td><input type="text" name="property_key1" value="value1" size="70"/></td>
<td class="data_item_options">
<a class="buttonicon" href="javascript:deleteRow()" title="Delete row" onClick="deleteRow(this); return false;"></a>
<table id="properties_rowtemplate" style="display:none" data-counter="0">
<td><input type="text" name="newproperty_name_\${counter}" value="" size="35"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="newproperty_value_\${counter}" value="" size="70"/></td>
<td><a class="buttonicon" href="javascript:deleteRow()" title="Delete row" onClick="deleteRow(this); return false;"></a></td>
<a class="action" href="javascript:addRow()" onclick="addRow('properties'); return false" title="Add new row">Add row</a><br/>
- - - -
// add row to html table, read html from row template
function addRow(sTableId) {
// find destination and template tables, find first <tr>
// in template. Wrap inner html around <tr> tags.
// Keep track of counter to give unique field names.
var table = $("#"+sTableId);
var template = $("#"+sTableId+"_rowtemplate");
var htmlCode = "<tr>"+template.find("tr:first").html()+"</tr>";
var id = parseInt(template.data("counter"),10)+1;
template.data("counter", id);
htmlCode = htmlCode.replace(/\${counter}/g, id);
// delete <TR> row, childElem is any element inside row
function deleteRow(childElem) {
var row = $(childElem).closest("tr"); // find <tr> parent
//Try to get tbody first with jquery children. works faster!
var tbody = $('#myTable').children('tbody');
//Then if no tbody just select your table
var table = tbody.length ? tbody : $('#myTable');
//Add row
// Create a row and append to table
var row = $('<tr />', {})
// Add columns to the row. <td> properties can be given in the JSON
$('<td />', {
'text': 'column1'
$('<td />', {
'text': 'column2',
'style': 'min-width:100px;'
var table = $('#yourTableId');
var text = 'My Data in td';
var image = 'your/image.jpg';
var tr = (
'<tr>' +
'<td>'+ text +'</td>'+
'<td>'+ text +'</td>'+
'<img src="' + image + '" alt="yourImage">'+
提示: 通过 innerHTML or .html()在 html table中插入行在某些浏览器中是无效的(类似于 IE9) ,在任何浏览器中使用 .append("<tr></tr>")都不是好建议。最好的和 最快的的方式是使用 pure javascript码。
以这种方式与 jQuery结合,只需添加类似于 jQuery的新插件:
$.fn.addRow=function(index/*-1: add to end or any desired index*/, cellsCount/*optional*/){
if(this[0].tagName.toLowerCase()!="table") return null;
var i=0, c, r = this[0].insertRow((index<0||index>this[0].rows.length)?this[0].rows.length:index);
for(;i<cellsCount||0;i++) c = r.insertCell(); //you can use c for set its content or etc
return $(r);
var addedRow = $("#myTable").addRow(-1/*add to end*/, 2);
function add(){
let studentname = $("input[name='studentname']").val();
let studentmark = $("input[name='studentmark']").val();
$('#student tr:last').after(`<tr><td>${studentname}</td><td>${studentmark}</td></tr>`);
function add(){
let studentname = $("input[name='studentname']").val();
let studentmark = $("input[name='studentmark']").val();
$('#student tr:last').after(`<tr><td>${studentname}</td><td>${studentmark}</td></tr>`);
let table = document.getElementById("tableId");
let row = table.insertRow(1); // pass position where you want to add a new row
//then add cells as you want with index
let cell0 = row.insertCell(0);
let cell1 = row.insertCell(1);
let cell2 = row.insertCell(2);
let cell3 = row.insertCell(3);
//add value to added td cell
cell0.innerHTML = "your td content here";
cell1.innerHTML = "your td content here";
cell2.innerHTML = "your td content here";
cell3.innerHTML = "your td content here";