Laravel 验证属性“好名字”

我尝试在“ language > { language } > validation.php”中使用验证属性,以替换: Attribute name (input name)作为正确的可读名称(例如: First _ name > First name)。它看起来很容易使用,但是验证器不显示“好听的名称”。


'attributes' => array(
'first_name' => 'voornaam'
, 'first name' => 'voornaam'
, 'firstname'  => 'voornaam'


@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<li class="help-inline errorColor">{{ $error }}</li>


$validation = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);

$message 数组:

$messages = array(
'required' => ':attribute is verplicht.'
, 'email'    => ':attribute is geen geldig e-mail adres.'
, 'min'      => ':attribute moet minimaal :min karakters bevatten.'
, 'numeric'  => ':attribute mag alleen cijfers bevatten.'
, 'url'      => ':attribute moet een valide url zijn.'
, 'unique'   => ':attribute moet uniek zijn.'
, 'max'      => ':attribute mag maximaal :max zijn.'
, 'mimes'    => ':attribute moet een :mimes bestand zijn.'
, 'numeric'  => ':attribute is geen geldig getal.'
, 'size'     => ':attribute is te groot of bevat te veel karakters.'

有人能告诉我我做错了什么吗。我希望在属性数组(语言)中用“ nice name”替换: Attribute 名称。



我注意到问题在于我从来没有为我的 Laravel 项目设置过默认语言。当我将语言设置为“ NL”时,上面的代码就可以工作了。但是,当我设置我的语言时,该语言将出现在 url 中。我也不想这样。

所以我的下一个问题是: 有没有可能从 url 中删除这种语言,或者设置默认语言使它不出现在那里?

116463 次浏览

The :attribute can only use the attribute name (first_name in your case), not nice names.

But you can define custom messages for each attribute+validation by definine messages like this:

$messages = array(
'first_name_required' => 'Please supply your first name',
'last_name_required' => 'Please supply your last name',
'email_required' => 'We need to know your e-mail address!',
'email_email' => 'Invalid e-mail address!',

In the "attributes" array the key is the input name and the value is the string you want to show in the message.

An example if you have an input like this

 <input id="first-name" name="first-name" type="text" value="">

The array (in the validation.php file) should be

 'attributes' => array(
'first-name' => 'Voornaam'),

I tried the same thing and it works great. Hope this helps.


Also I am noticing you don't pass a parameter to $errors->has() so maybe that's the problem.

To fix this check out in the controller if you have a code like this

return Redirect::route('page')->withErrors(array('register' => $validator));

then you have to pass to the has() method the "register" key (or whatever you are using) like this

.... //code here

Another way to display error messages is the following one which I prefer (I use Twitter Bootstrap for the design but of course you can change those with your own design)

 @if (isset($errors) and count($errors->all()) > 0)
<div class="alert alert-error">
<h4 class="alert-heading">Problem!</h4>
@foreach ($errors->all('<li>:message</li>') as $message)
\{\{ $message }}

Yeahh, the "nice name" attributes as you called it was a real "issue" a few month ago. Hopefully this feature is now implemented and is very simply to use.

For simplicity i will split the two options to tackle this problem:

  1. Global Probably the more widespread. This approach is very well explained here but basically you need to edit the application/language/XX/validation.php validation file where XX is the language you will use for the validation.

    At the bottom you will see an attribute array; that will be your "nice name" attributes array. Following your example the final result will be something like this.

    'attributes' => array('first_name' => 'First Name')
  2. Locally This is what Taylor Otwell was talking about in the issue when he says:

    You may call setAttributeNames on a Validator instance now.

    That's perfectly valid and if you check the source code you will see

    public function setAttributeNames(array $attributes)
    $this->customAttributes = $attributes;
    return $this;

    So, to use this way see the following straightforward example:

    $niceNames = array(
    'first_name' => 'First Name'
    $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);


There is a really awesome repo on Github that have a lot of languages packages ready to go. Definitely you should check it out.

Hope this helps.

In Laravel 4.1 the easy way to do this is go to the lang folder -> your language(default en) -> validation.php.

When you have this in your model, for example:

'group_id' => 'Integer|required',
'adult_id' => 'Integer|required',

And you do not want the error to be "please enter a group id", you can create "nice" validation messages by adding a custom array in validation.php. So in our example, the custom array would look like this:

'custom' => array(
'adult_id' => array(
'required' => 'Please choose some parents!',
'group_id' => array(
'required' => 'Please choose a group or choose temp!',

This also works with multi-language apps, you just need to edit (create) the correct language validation file.

The default language is stored in the app/config/app.php configuration file, and is English by default. This can be changed at any time using the App::setLocale method.

More info to both errors and languages can be found here validation and localization.

The correct answer to this particular problem would be to go to your app/lang folder and edit the validation.php file at the bottom of the file there is an array called attributes:

| Custom Validation Attributes
| The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders
| with something more reader friendly such as E-Mail Address instead
| of "email". This simply helps us make messages a little cleaner.

'attributes' => array(
'username' => 'The name of the user',
'image_id' => 'The related image' // if it's a relation

So I believe this array was built to customise specifically these attribute names.

Since Laravel 5.2 you could...

public function validForm(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
$rules = [
'first_name' => 'max:130'
$niceNames = [
'first_name' => 'First Name'
$this->validate($request, $rules, [], $niceNames);

// correct validation

Well, it's quite an old question but I few I should point that problem of having the language appearing at the URL can be solved by:

  • Changing the language and fallback_language at config/app.php;
  • or by setting \App::setLocale($lang)

If needed to persist it through session, I currently use the "AppServiceProvider" to do this, but, I think a middleware might be a better approach if changing the language by URL is needed, so, I do like this at my provider:

$locale = MyLocaleService::whatLocaleShouldIUse();
Session::put('locale', $locale);


This way I handle the session and it don't stick at my url.

To clarify I'm currently using Laravel 5.1+ but shouldn't be a different behavior from 4.x;

I use my custom language files as Input for the "nice names" like this:

$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
$customLanguageFile = strtolower(class_basename(get_class($this)));

// translate attributes
if(Lang::has($customLanguageFile)) {

In Laravel 7.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;

Then define niceNames

$niceNames = array(
'name' => 'Name',

And the last, just put $niceNames in fourth parameter, like this:

$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules, $messages, $niceNames);
$customAttributes = [
'email' => 'email address',

$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages, $customAttributes);