int timeDifference = 60*60*24; //shift by one day
NSDate* (* original)(Class,SEL) = nil;
NSDate* date = original([NSDate class], @selector(date));
return [date dateByAddingTimeInterval:timeDifference];
Method originalMethod = class_getClassMethod([NSDate class], @selector(date));
Method newMethod = class_getClassMethod([self class], @selector(date));
//save the implementation of NSDate to use it later
original = (NSDate* (*)(Class,SEL)) [NSDate methodForSelector:@selector(date)];
//happy swapping
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, newMethod);
xcrun simctl status_bar "iPhone 11 Pro Max" override --time '9:41'
You may specify any combination of these flags (at least one is required):
--time <string>
Set the date or time to a fixed value.
If the string is a valid ISO date string it will also set the date on relevant devices.
--dataNetwork <dataNetworkType>
If specified must be one of 'wifi', '3g', '4g', 'lte', 'lte-a', or 'lte+'.
--wifiMode <mode>
If specified must be one of 'searching', 'failed', or 'active'.
--wifiBars <int>
If specified must be 0-3.
--cellularMode <mode>
If specified must be one of 'notSupported', 'searching', 'failed', or 'active'.
--cellularBars <int>
If specified must be 0-4.
--batteryState <state>
If specified must be one of 'charging', 'charged', or 'discharging'.
--batteryLevel <int>
If specified must be 0-100.