foreach($Project in (Get-ChildItem "D:\TopDirec" -Directory)){
# Select all the Revision folders from the project folder.
$Revisions = Get-ChildItem "$($Project.Fullname)\Revision*" -Directory
# The next revision number is just going to be one more than the highest number.
# You need to cast the string in the first pipeline to an int so Sort-Object works.
# If you sort it descending the first number will be the biggest so you select that one.
# Once you have the highest revision number you just add one to it.
$NextRevision = ($Revisions.Name | Foreach-Object {[int]$_.Replace('Revision','')} | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1)+1
# Now in this we kill two birds with one stone.
# It will create the "Reports" folder but it also creates "Revision#" folder too.
New-Item -Path "$($Project.Fullname)\Revision$NextRevision\Reports" -Type Directory
# Move on to the next project folder.
# This untested example loop requires PowerShell version 3.0.
cls; # Clear console to better notice the results
[string]$filePath = $profile; # Declared as string, to allow the use of texts without plings and still not fail.
[string]$fileContents = '<our standard settings>'; # Statements can now be written on individual lines, instead of semicolon separated.
if(!(Test-Path $filePath)) {
New-Item -Force ([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($filePath)) | Out-Null; # Ignore output of creating directory
$fileContents | Set-Content $filePath; # Creates a new file with the input
Write-Host 'File created!';
else {
Write-Warning "File already exists! To remove the file, run the command: Remove-Item $filePath";
$mWarningColor = 'Red'
Creates a new directory.
Creates a new directory. If the directory already exists, the directory will
not be overwritten. Instead a warning message that the directory already
exists will be output.
If the directory already exists, the directory will not be overwritten.
Instead a warning message that the directory already exists will be output.
Sal-New-Directory -DirectoryPath '.\output'
function Sal-New-Directory {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
try {
if (!(Test-Path -Path $DirectoryPath -PathType Container)) {
# Sal-New-Directory is not designed to take multiple
# directories. However, we use foreach to supress the native output
# and substitute with a custom message.
New-Item -Path $DirectoryPath -ItemType Container | `
foreach {'Created ' + $_.FullName}
} else {
Write-Host "$DirectoryPath already exists and" `
"so will not be (re)created." `
-ForegroundColor $mWarningColor
} finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"