VisualStudio2012Express 突然“与这个版本的 Windows 不兼容”?

我在 Windows7上运行 VisualStudioExpress2012。我已经连续几个月毫无问题地运行它了。

上周五,当我关闭我的电脑时,安装了很多 Windows 更新。今天早上,当我启动并打开一个 VS2012解决方案时,我收到了这个错误消息:

This program has known compatibility issues


Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop is incompatible with this version of Windows.

有一个 Run Program按钮,当我点击它,解决方案正常打开。我没有更改任何关于 Windows 配置的内容。每次我打开一个解决方案,都会发生这种情况。微软是否在上周五应用的一批更新中发布了一个有缺陷的补丁?

编辑: 我不知道为什么人们投票结束这个问题。被链接到的答案与我的问题无关; 这个答案似乎与试图在 VS2010中打开一个 VS2012项目有关。我试图在 VS2012中开启一个 VS2012项目。如果你真的认为这个问题需要结束,请让我知道为什么在评论,这样我可以适当地改变它。

周五安装的.NET 更新包括:

  • KB2805226
  • KB2805221
  • KB2804582

更新: 我放弃了,或多或少,点击了错误窗口上的“不要再次显示此窗口”复选框。Visual Studio 似乎运行良好。

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I had a similar problem with VS2012 awhile ago it was along the lines of:

"this solution has no errors and could potentially be damaged"

*yet still opened fine.

as far as fixing it went I performed a clean install of VS2012 and the error has not bugged me since in saying that I am probably out of date at this time and may find if I updated I would have the same issue.

Food for thought.

I received the same message on Visual Studio 2012 Premium (on PC where Windows 7 re-installed in last month) - the suggested fix was "Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (KB2781514)" which seems to have fixed it

I've been running VS2012 for about 2 weeks now since I clicked the "Don't show this window again" button. I haven't encountered any problems. For now I'm going to consider this an adequate solution.

Install Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 solved my problem. No previous update needed for this one. Here's the descriptions of the update.

(I'm using Windows 8, installed all important updates for Windows, then tried repair Visual Studio in Programs and Features, problem still here until installed Update 2.)

I've just installed VS2012 at home and came across the same problem. The 1st solution I found is that webdeploy doesn't work after Oct 2013 and I should install Web deploy V3.0.

Done that, no joy. I let Win7 search for compatibility solution on-line and it found an update patch (KB2781514) which did work.

This is the same solution as mentioned before by @John M.

Should've looked here first, just posting this again if someone comes across this again these days..

Thanks to all other users who helped with this thread.

Even i had the same problem on Windows 7 with Visual studio 2012.

Installed Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 -KB2781514 and it fixed the issue.

Note: "Just clicking on Run program was also opening up the solution file without any issues in my case."