如何使用 Ant 复制目录

我已经使用 copydir来复制目录树,但是不推荐使用它。我的目录包含一些子目录,其中一些包含文件,另一些包含更多的子目录。


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<copy todir="${dest.dir}" >
<fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="**"/>

believe that will do what you want... (Recursive copy done)

You should only have to specify the directory (sans the includes property):

<copy todir="../new/dir">
<fileset dir="src_dir"/>

See the manual for more details and examples.

From the example here, you can write a simple Ant file using copy task.

<project name="MyProject" default="copy" basedir=".">
<target name="copy">
<copy todir="./new/dir">
<fileset dir="src_dir"/>

This should copy everything inside src_dir (excluding it) to new/dir.

Copy contents including the directory itself.

<copy todir="${dest.dir}" >
<fileset dir="${src.dir.parent}">
<include name="${src.dir}/**"/>

Note: ${src.dir} is relative to ${src.dir.parent}, and not a full path

A fine point: ant will only copy the sub-directories if the source files are newer than the destination files. [1] In my case, the sub-dirs were not being copied (I am using verbose="true"), since there were no changes and they were already in the destination. You can use "overwrite" to force it, or touch some of the files in your source sub-dirs.

Copy contents including the directory itself.

<copy todir="${dest.dir}" >
<fileset dir="${src.dir.parent}" includes="${src.dir}/**"/>

This code should copy the folder as well as its contents. It also uses the basename task to avoid having to do any manual path parsing.

<project name="Build" default="doCopy">
<property name="source.dir" value="SourceDirPathGoesHere"/>
<property name="dest.dir" value="DestinationDirPathGoesHere"/>
<target name="doCopy">
<basename property="source.dir.base.name" file="${source.dir}"/>
<copy todir="${dest.dir}">
<fileset dir="${source.dir}/.." includes="${source.dir.base.name}/**"/>

I finally copied using following code

<copy todir="${root.dir}/dist/src">
<fileset dir="${root.dir}/build/src" includes="**"/>

This will copy the src folder from dist to build.

Hope this helps someone.

I'm adding a more generic pattern to copy all subfolders.

<copy todir="${dest.dir}" >
<fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="**/*"/>

See Patterns for details.

I used include tags as shown in below code snippet in my build.xml file to copy individul jar files inside a directory.

<target name="devInstall" depends="generateXsl" description="testing">
<copy flatten="true" todir="${test}/WEB-INF/lib" overwrite="${overwrite}">
<fileset refid="buildJars"/>
<fileset dir="lib">
<include name="commons-collections-*.jar"/>
<include name="commons-io-*.jar"/>
<include name="kodo/*.jar"/>
<include name="mail*.jar"/>
<include name="activation*.jar"/>
<include name="guava*.jar"/>
<include name="jna*.jar"/>

Another ant task is Copydir. The key part here is to include the name of the directory you want to copy after the dest directory. The sub-directories and files will be copied automatically.

<target name="-post-jar">
<copydir src="config" dest="${dist.dir}/config/"/>