"""Notes:1 - This script it for python32 - Create a backup first3 - Place on the root folder of the android project you want to change4 - run `python change_android_studio_pkg_name.py`5 - Type the old package name6 - Type the new package name7 - Clean and Rebuild on Android Studio8 - SRC folder names won't be changed but app will work"""
import os, glob, tracebackfrom pathlib import Path
def rwf(fp, mode="r", data="" ):if mode == "r":with open(fp, "r", encoding='utf8') as f:return(f.read())elif mode == "w":with open(fp, "w", encoding='utf8') as f:f.write(data)
old_pkg = input("Old PKG\n").strip()new_pkg = input("New PKG\n").strip()
if not old_pkg or not new_pkg:exit("Args Missing")
dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))file_types = ['xml', 'txt', 'json', 'gradle', 'java']_fs = glob.iglob(f"{dirname}/**", recursive=True)for file_path in _fs:ext = Path(file_path).suffix.replace(".", "").lower()if os.path.isfile(file_path) and ext in file_types:try:content = rwf(file_path)new_content = content.replace(old_pkg, new_pkg)rwf(file_path, "w", new_content)except:print(traceback.format_exc())pass
android {defaultConfig {applicationId "com.example.myapplication"}}and package name the same. package="com.example.myapplication"
Go To Project> >C:\Users\ashif\Documents\MyApplication .iml file // deleteif you forget Project Path Then Go To android Studio Right Click on app and go to Show in Explorer you get your Project and remove .iml file
Example C:\Users\ashif\Documents/MyApplication
Now open Android Studio and open Existing ProjectC:\Users\ashif\Documents/MyApplication