I also think it is important to note that Python dict object type is a hash table (more on this here), and thus is not capable of being sorted without converting its keys/values to lists. What this allows is dict item retrieval in constant time O(1), no matter the size/number of elements in a dictionary.
Having said that, once you sort its keys - sorted(data.keys()), or values - sorted(data.values()), you can then use that list to access keys/values in design patterns such as these:
for sortedKey in sorted(dictionary):
print dictionary[sortedKeY] # gives the values sorted by key
for sortedValue in sorted(dictionary.values()):
print sortedValue # gives the values sorted by value
# sort dictionary by value
d = {'a1': 'fsdfds', 'g5': 'aa3432ff', 'ca':'zz23432'}
def getkeybyvalue(d,i):
for k, v in d.items():
if v == i:
return (k)
sortvaluelist = sorted(d.values())
sortresult ={}
for i1 in sortvaluelist:
key = getkeybyvalue(d,i1)
sortresult[key] = i1
print ('=====sort by value=====')
print (sortresult)
print ('=======================')
You could created sorted list from Values and rebuild the dictionary:
myDictionary={"two":"2", "one":"1", "five":"5", "1four":"4"}
for sortedKey in sortedList:
for key, value in myDictionary.items():
if value==sortedKey: