如何在 Eclipse 中打开所选资源的文件资源管理器

我正在为 Eclipse 寻找一个小插件,它可以打开从 Package Explorer 树中选择的当前资源的文件资源管理器。

我知道 Aptana Studio 通过资源的上下文菜单提供了这个功能,但是它还有很多我不感兴趣的东西。


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Create a new Plug-In project using Eclipse PDE. Hook your bundle's Activator class into the Common Navigator API to receive selections for IResource. For each IResource selected, use the FileLocator to get a file URI, with which you can construct a java.io.File object. This can then be opened in the operating system's native file explorer using Java 6 Desktop integration:

    if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop();
desktop.open(new File("C:/"));

StartExplorer doesn't work under my Ubuntu, but ExploreFS works. You can find it here:


It supports Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Actually you can do that through the built in External tool manager. Here are the instructions : http://www.eclipsezone.com/eclipse/forums/t77655.html I'm trying to get it work with Nautilus. However it works under Windows as I tried it.

Download OpenExplorer jar file. I am using OpenExplorer_1.5.0.v201108051513.jar downloaded from https://github.com/samsonw/OpenExplorer/archives/master.

Copy this into your eclipse/plugins folder and restart Eclipse. This comes in handy. I would recommend eclipse users having this.

Eclipse Explorer is an eclipse plugin helping you to open the folder or select resource in explorer quickly. It supports key assist, can open common resource and all java element location, even .jar in library.

Advance feature:

  • Support all Java element explorer
  • Support key assitant (default Ctrl + ` )
  • Support Windows and Linux platform
  • Support auto selecting file(Windows only)

In Eclipse Luna and later select a resource, then:

Alt + shift + W > System Explorer


Right click > Show In > System Explorer

The exact command that should be executed to open the System Explorer can be configured here:

Window > Preferences > General > Workspace > Command for launching system explorer

open explorer in eclipse
- in eclipse -> external tools configurations
- in program tree -> new
name: OpenExplore
localtion: C:\Windows\explorer.exe
Arguments: /select,${selected_resource_loc}\

The command configured by default on a Linux platform (dbus-send ...) fails on CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. Changing it to nautilus "${selected_resource_parent_loc}" makes it work. I got this info from this documentation page, which I got from this bug report.

I'm creating an RCP app, and I don't want my users to have to manually change this setting. Using plug-in spy I found the relevant preference store and key. So this non-API call will set the preference programmatically:

"nautilus \"${selected_resource_parent_loc}\"");

With newer versions of nautilus you can specify ${selected_resource_loc} instead, in which case it opens the parent folder with the specified resource selected. I observed this with nautilus v 3.14, but version 2.28 throws an error is the resource is not a folder.

An easy way to open the directory in Windows Explorer is to select the file in your Project Explorer and press Alt+Shift+W and press X .

I use EasyShell plugin for Eclipse, it has that functionality and more.

Have a look at that:
