在一些 Windows Win32 API调用中可以找到一个常见的模式,其中使用std::unique_ptr<T[]>可以派上用场,例如,当调用一些Win32 API(将在该缓冲区中写入一些数据)时,你不确切知道输出缓冲区应该有多大:
// Buffer dynamically allocated by the caller, and filled by some Win32 API function.
// (Allocation will be made inside the 'while' loop below.)
std::unique_ptr<BYTE[]> buffer;
// Buffer length, in bytes.
// Initialize with some initial length that you expect to succeed at the first API call.
UINT32 bufferLength = /* ... */;
// Allocate buffer of specified length
buffer.reset( BYTE[bufferLength] );
// Or, in C++14, could use make_unique() instead, e.g.
// buffer = std::make_unique<BYTE[]>(bufferLength);
// Call some Win32 API.
// If the size of the buffer (stored in 'bufferLength') is not big enough,
// the API will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, and the required size
// in the [in, out] parameter 'bufferLength'.
// In that case, there will be another try in the next loop iteration
// (with the allocation of a bigger buffer).
// Else, we'll exit the while loop body, and there will be either a failure
// different from ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, or the call will be successful
// and the required information will be available in the buffer.
returnCode = ::SomeApiCall(inParam1, inParam2, inParam3,
&bufferLength, // size of output buffer
buffer.get(), // output buffer pointer
&outParam1, &outParam2);
if (Failed(returnCode))
// Handle failure, or throw exception, etc.
// All right!
// Do some processing with the returned information...
我遇到了一个必须使用HDF5库(用于高效二进制数据存储的库,在科学中使用很多)中的std::unique_ptr<bool[]>的情况。一些编译器(在我的情况下是Visual Studio 2015) 提供std::vector<bool>的压缩(通过在每个字节中使用8个bool),这对于HDF5这样的东西来说是一个灾难,它不关心压缩。对于std::vector<bool>, HDF5最终会因为压缩而读取垃圾。
class ALargeAndComplicatedClassWithLotsOfDependencies;
class MyClass {
std::unique_ptr<ALargeAndComplicatedClassWithLotsOfDependencies[]> m_InternalArray;
#include "myclass.h"
#include "ALargeAndComplicatedClassWithLotsOfDependencies.h"
// MyClass implementation goes here