相当于在 Android Studio 中清理和构建?

今天,在运行 Android Studio 的应用程序时,它不是用我最新的代码构建的。

我找了一个 清洁及建造选项,但是找不到。

所以我的问题是: Android Studio 的 清洁及建造等价于什么?

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Android studio is based on Intellij Idea. In Intellij Idea you have to do the following from the GUI menu.

Build -> Rebuild Project

I don't know if there's a way to get a clean build via the UI, but it's easy to do from the commandline using gradle wrapper. From the root directory of your project:

./gradlew clean

In latest releases of Android Studio one more option has been added dedicatedly for Clean.

Build > Clean Project

Also you can edit your Run/Debug configuration and add clean task.

Click on the Edit configuration

Click on the Edit configuration

In the left list of available configurations choose your current configuration and then on the right side of the dialog window in the section Before launch press on plus sign and choose Run Gradle task

choose <code>Run Gradle task</code>

In the new window choose your gradle project and in the field Tasks type clean.

type <code>clean</code>

Then move your gradle clean on top of Gradle-Aware make

reed these links

http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/version-compatibility https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/gradle-plugin.html

in android studio version 2+, use this in gradle config


compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
incremental = false;


after 3 days of search and test :(, this solve "rebuild for any run"

It is probably not a correct way for clean, but I made that to delete unnecessary files, and take less size of a project. It continuously finds and deletes all build and Gradle folders made file clean.bat copy that into the folder where your project is

  set mypath=%cd%
for /d /r %mypath% %%a in (build\) do if exist "%%a" rmdir /s /q "%%a"
for /d /r %mypath% %%a in (.gradle\) do if exist "%%a" rmdir /s /q "%%a"

If none of the above works and Build->Make is grayed out. try this:,
First select the project and then
Go to file->Project_structure
Close the window and the Build->Make ; will be available.
This is for
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