Dir['*.rb'] #basic globs
Dir['**/*.rb'] #** == any depth of directory, including current dir.
#=> array of relative names
File.expand_path('~/file.txt') #=> "/User/mat/file.txt"
File.dirname('dir/file.txt') #=> 'dir'
File.basename('dir/file.txt') #=> 'file.txt'
File.join('a', 'bunch', 'of', 'strings') #=> 'a/bunch/of/strings'
__FILE__ #=> the name of the current file
If you run into problems with getting the output of backticks, the stuff is going to standard err instead of standard out. Use this advice
out = `git status 2>&1`
Backticks do string interpolation:
blah = 'lib'
`touch #{blah}`
You can pipe inside Ruby, too. It's a link to my blog, but it links back here so it's okay :) There are probably more advanced things out there on this topic.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
module ShellHelper
def test(command)
`#{command} 2> /dev/null`
def execute(command, raise_on_error = true)
result = `#{command}`
raise "execute command failed\n" if (not $?.success?) and raise_on_error
return $?.success?
def print_exit(message)
print "#{message}\n"
module_function :execute, :print_exit, :test
使用 helper,Ruby 脚本可以是 bash 类似的:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require './shell_helper'
include ShellHelper
print_exit "config already exists" if test "ls config"
things.each do |thing|
next if not test "ls #{thing}/config"
execute "cp -fr #{thing}/config_template config/#{thing}"